Insects That Sting

Look. Let’s get this straight right off-the-top. There are really no reasons to kill a honey bee. Of course they can sting you, but if you don’t mess with them, they’re not going to bite. There’s another reason. We get this from a recent article in Wired magazine:

“Nearly one in three commercial honeybee colonies in the United States died or disappeared last winter, an unsustainable decline that threatens the nation’s food supply.”

“Multiple factors — pesticides, fungicides, parasites, viruses and malnutrition — are believed to cause the losses, which were officially announced today (in May, 2013) by a consortium of academic researchers, beekeepers and Department of Agriculture scientists.”

“We’re getting closer and closer to the point where we don’t have enough bees in this country to meet pollination demands,” said entomologist Dennis vanEngelstorp of the University of Maryland, who led the survey documenting the declines.”

Stepping down from the soapbox, it’s in our best interests as humans to leave them alone.

There Are Other Stinging Bugs, Though

Sure, when a buzzing insect is flying around you, there are things you should never do. Do not run around in circles. Never swat at them or try to extinguish their lives with a boot. Don’t aggravate it and it will simply go away in most cases.

Still, in America, a couple million people have an allergic reaction when the stinger punctures their skin. Best practice is to know your enemy before firing any bullets. Learn their way of life, how they act and call a professional like Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. to rid you of an infestation or a hive. Let it be until we take care of matters.

Honey Bees

As we mentioned earlier, we need these guys. They supply us with honey, help pollinate the plants we enjoy and eat, and give us wax. Real wax.

honey bee

Among themselves, they’re really social. And they’ll do anything to protect the hive. That’s why Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. moves the colony to some innocuous location. No need to obliterate these eco-friendly critters. After all, we are experiencing a shortage. Killing them leaves us in peril. That’s why the relocation of a colony is imperative.

The Carpenter Bee

Not as hair-wire strung as most stinging insects. Only the ladies have needle-like protrusions. The gentlemen are harmless. The issue with the carpenter bees is they burrow tunnels into the wood of your house. The fellows are always buzzing. Remember, they can’t sting.

carpenter bee

They present a very low threat of biting you. But they will drill into your home’s outdoor woodwork.

The Baldfaced Hornet

For those who see a football-shaped object in their garage, hanging from a tree or nestled in an overhang on your property, beware. That’s probably a nest of baldfaced hornets. They are persistent and aggressive. What makes them dangerous in that they don’t just simply sting you once. They have the capacity to bop you over-and-over. One same insect can virtually machine gun your body.

baldface wasp

Notice a hive? Call us.

The Yellow Jacket

These buzzers are just as nasty as a baldfaced hornet. The difference: They look like they’re wearing a couple of yellow belts on their abdomen. Probably you’ll find a colony in the cracks of your house or in a tree.

yellow jacket

Exterminating a hive is not a DIY project. Pros only need apply.

Many other types of insects can bite you, like mosquitoes. They’re among a group that will sting you without any provocation. But as for the ones we listed above, leave ’em alone and they won’t bother you.

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