Halloween Candy and Bugs

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Kids aren’t the only ones looking forward to all the treats this Halloween. Creepy crawly bugs are lurking in the shadows waiting for their chance to indulge in the candy kids are collecting. Just the slightest hint of sugary sweetness is all they need to send them into a frenzied search for a stash of candy.

To avoid getting tricked by bugs looking for treats use precaution in your candy handling.

Clean Up Wrappers

Discarded candy wrappers aren’t just an annoying result of litterbugs. These wrappers can leave a paper trail that lead bugs into your yard or even your house. Sticky or chocolaty candy doesn’t always come out of its wrapper cleanly. Most of the time there’s a little bit left behind. It may not seem like much, but it’s enough to attract bugs.

Wash the Sugar Residual Off Your Hands

Washing hands isn’t a high priority for kids, especially after they’ve filled their bellies with candy. But the same way that germs can be spread so can the scent of sugary goodness. If little ones don’t wash their hands after eating candy they can leave a sugar residue on the next surface that they touch, which will bring insects like ants right to the candy source.

Don’t Hide Candy

Kids like to hide their candy stash away from prying eyes and sticky fingers. The big problem is that they may forget where some of it is hidden or leave a piece behind that does get found – by bugs. Explain to your kids that insects are the ones that really want to steal their candy, and if they tuck it away in a dark corner instead of storing it properly then the bugs have a better chance of finding it.

Properly Store Candy

Whether or not the candy gets hidden if it’s not stored properly pests may be able to sniff it out. Here are a few tips for proper candy storage:

  • Don’t leave candy out on the counter or table for too long. Insects can detect it and start hunting it down in a matter of minutes.
  • The refrigerator is a good spot for chocolates. It will keep chocolates cool, out of the sunlight and retain the freshness. But the best part is bugs will stay out of the fridge.
  • If a bag of candy gets opened up but there are still treats left, put the rest in a plastic bag or container.
  • Wrap up sticky homemade goodies like candied apples and popcorn balls individually using plastic wrap.
  • For other homemade sweets place them in rows separated by wax paper in an airtight plastic container.
  • Store different candies in different containers. That way you’ll avoid mingling tastes between the two since candies can exchange flavors if they’re in the same containers.

Sugar is like a silent beacon for bugs. When they get a whiff of its sweet scent they come a running. Keep their tricks out of your treats this Halloween with the four tips above.

Image Source: farm3.staticflickr.com/2527/4005413011_4f88364709_o.jpg

Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/education-and-prevention/halloween-candy-and-bugs