The Lowdown on GMOs – Genetically Modified Organisms

It’s as if something from another galaxy landed on our planet. These things that don’t exist in nature will never say “Take me to your leader.” We don’t see the ships flying in the sky, promising a violent takeover.


Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) pop-out of laboratories here on Earth. Some have called them Frankensteins. Basically they are man-made crops or other organisms created by eggheads who have messed with the DNA of an existing thing from a species that are already here. No cross-breeding or mutations, GMOs are, for all intents and purposes, freaks.

And what they do could be worse than an invasion from Beldar and Prymaat Clorhone from Remulak. Coneheads.

Science Friction

Let’s take corn, for instance. GMOs may be used to create a pest resistant ear of the stuff. What scientists do is pair-up pesticides in the corn’s DNA so that the crop kills pests that try to eat it. The ethical question is: Would you consume something that has poison in its DNA? Very controversial stuff.

Some synthetic bug killers are simply no good for us folks. That’s why we at Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. try our darnedest to treat any invasion as “greenly” as we can. We realize that eliminating pests shouldn’t eliminate you. Back in the ’50’s DDT was used to cross-out bugs and the like. What did that lead to? Plenty of bad stuff like birth defects.

Sometimes science doesn’t get it right. Incidentally, DDT’s inventors got a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1948. Go figure. There’s the proof of how things can go really bad fast.

Science Fact

We have a system of checks-and-balances in our human bodies. When matters head south and alien junk gets into our system, the whole factory doesn’t know how to deal with it. A monkey wrench gums everything up.

However, when ugly synthetic substances enter our food chain, we can’t simply wash ’em away. They’re with us forever. Yet another reason why Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. treads lightly when employing a solution to your problem. Our goal is to fix the issue of a pest infestation without using junk that can damage your nervous system.

Some of the evil things that GMOs can cause are Autism, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, Asthma, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Learning Disabilities and many more. Science has already found links to Genetically Modified Organisms being the culprit.

Playing God

Since these GMOs are not naturally found on Terra Firma, it only stands to reason that Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. tries to limit their use when we treat your property for the crawlies that bug you. Sometimes we must resort to pesticide use. But you have our assurance that we have safety and usage standards that are highly effective but leave a small footprint.

Last thing we want is to invite Beldar and Prymaat to dinner. See the movie. That pair eats like pigs and God only knows what they leave behind.

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