Tips for Keeping Lice Away This School Year
There’s one word every parent dreads hearing – lice. These miniscule bugs can cause a whole lot of trouble, even if they’re caught early. That’s why prevention is so important. But it’s not always easy. Despite parents’ best efforts, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that each year, there are between 6-12 million lice cases among children aged 3-11 years old.
It’s the start of a new school year, which means lice are now a much bigger concern. Keep these hair loving, blood sucking bugs out of your home and away from your kids’ heads with these tips.
Know What to Look For
There are two signs of lice infestations: the lice themselves and their eggs. Lice are brown to grayish white in color, and about the size of a sesame seed. They can be difficult to spot when they’re crawling around because they move fast. Lice eggs are the size of a pinpoint, and will be tightly attached to hair shafts. They are tan, brown and yellow in color, but if lice have already hatched, the eggs will appear white. If any of your kids are complaining about an itchy scalp or crawling sensation in their hair, you’ll need to act immediately to prevent an infestation in your home.
Minimize Head-to-Head Contact
The most common way kids get lice is through head-to-head contact. Kids will be kids, but teaching them that touching their head against others can lead to lice may help minimize their chances of bringing the bugs home.
Teach Kids Not to Share Combs, Hats, Etc.
Some lice infestations are a result of sharing headgear, scarfs, combs, brushes, etc. Children should be taught not to share these types of items with other kids because they could be infected with lice.
Consider Lice Prevention Products
There are now a number of lice prevention products on the market that could be useful if another kid at school or day care has lice. However, these products are still being tested to determine how effective they really are, so they can’t be relied on for complete protection.
Give Your Kids Lice Checks Before Going Home
Lice infestations can be better contained with regular lice checks. Preferably, you’ll want to give each child a quick check before going inside your home. To check for lice, part the hair in several sections and look closely for any movement or eggs that resemble dandruff. Using a light and/or microscope can make it easier to spot lice.
React Quickly After Reports of Lice
If your child’s school reports a lice infestation, even if it isn’t in their class, inspect common lice hangouts in your home and give everything a good cleaning, just in case. Areas to inspect include clothing that has been recently worn, bedding, pillows, couches, throws, towels and rugs. These items should be cleaned in water that is at least 130° F, and dried with high heat. It’s also a good idea to vacuum rugs, furniture and carpeting.
We can’t keep your kids from getting lice, but Vulcan Termite & Pest Control Inc. can help you keep bugs out of your home with customized pest control treatments. We’ll take care of exterminating pests in and around the property so you have a few less insects to worry about.
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