Why Are There So Many Ladybugs in My House?

ladybug about to land on a human hand

Did you know that a group of ladybugs is called a “loveliness?” It’s true! Still, “loveliness” is likely the last descriptor you’d use when you’re wondering: Why are there so many ladybugs in my house?!

If that describes you, congrats; you need no longer wonder—keep reading for our insect experts’ answers to all your ladybug questions!

Are These Ladybugs or Lady Beetles?

If you didn’t know, the lore of the ladybug in the U.S. runs deep. 

First, a much smaller population of native ladybug species exists in the U.S. now than a century ago. Now, you may think we’re crazy for saying that if you have hundreds of black-spotted, red, round-shelled bugs all over your windows, doors, under the porch, etc. However, you’re more likely dealing with a loveliness of the ladybug’s doppelganger, the Asian lady beetle.

Secondly, Asian lady beetles and other ladybugs are from the same taxonomic family, Coccinellid, which also comprises many species of small beetles that are not “true bugs.” In other words, if you see a small beetle with a red or orange spotted shell, you could call it a ladybug, lady beetle, or ladybird (as they say in the UK), and you’d still get the right idea.

Are Ladybugs Harmful?

No. The Asian lady beetle is an invasive species that can look intimidating when massive clusters cover the entire surface of a wall or window. They can bite, but they cannot hurt you unless you have an allergy. In balanced numbers, lady beetles are helpful for your garden by keeping the aphid and mite populations low. However, Asian lady beetles still threaten the lives of native Coccinellid (ladybug/ladybeetle) species and how they fulfill their role in their natural ecosystems.

Why Are So Many Ladybugs in My House?

Human homes attract Asian lady beetles with warmth, shelter, and light—the same things that attract most pests. However, there’s a reason why the little guys seem to go to the same spot on your property year after year: once a loveliness of lady beetles settles in somewhere, they leave behind odorous pheromones. So next season, another loveliness of ladybugs/beetles can find that spot. 

Ladybugs are in your house because they were outside on your property and found a crack in your roof, siding, or outdoor structure. They crawled through and moved into the space between the walls. These tiny, colorful beetles can also get in the old-fashioned way through open doors and windows.

How Do I Get Rid of Ladybugs?

Even though ladybugs can’t hurt you, they stink, fly in your face, and are an eyesore, especially indoors. Let’s discuss how to get rid of them and prevent their return.


Taking preventative measures is one of the most effective ways homeowners can contribute to a ladybug-free environment. One of the most important preventative measures includes checking your home’s windows, doorways, and perimeter for small cracks and filling them with plaster or caulk. You can’t skip this step, or all supplementary prevention strategies will fail.

Then, go to where the ladybugs usually congregate outside your home. Even if you troubleshoot this issue when it’s not ladybug season, the ones you saw last year almost certainly left behind their pheromones. Spray ammonia or vinegar-based cleaner in these areas and wipe them down with a rag.

Fool-Proof Ladybug Eviction

Once hundreds of ladybugs have fully settled into your home, the time to implement prevention strategies has long passed. Lady beetles are pretty resilient and great at hiding, so even if you try to kill all of the ones you can see, there’s still a chance you missed plenty.

When the time comes, and you need professional help getting rid of the ladybug infestation, just let our experts know; we’ll be glad to help you get rid of those ladybugs and regain your peace of mind. 

We have proudly served Alabama families at Vulcan Termite and Pest Control since 1965. Whether you need us for fall, summer, winter, or spring pest control, we’re glad to help protect you and your family with our effective solutions! Call us at 205-663-4200 or contact us online to learn more about our affordable, effective pest control solutions.

Thanks for reading! Check out our pest blog to learn more about the pests and other creatures found in Alabama.