Bees Are Good But Not in Your Outdoor Living Space

Not all insects are evil creatures. Take bees for example. A couple of types, if they were totally eliminated, would lead to a slow death of the human race. Since they pollinate plants and veggies, we’d have to eat meat exclusively. Too much protein in our bodies — not to mention fat — would force our species to take a nice long walk to oblivion.


That’s why it’s good advice to think twice before destroying a hive. One other thing; a Bumble Bee is not the same as a Honey Bee.

These little buzzers are friends to our civilization because they move pollen from one place to another. Don’t screw around with them and they’ll leave you alone. Best bet if you come across a hive: Call a local beekeeper. They’ll collect ’em in a humane way and relocate the family so they no longer present a risk to you or the kids.

We get this next part from the website “Beneficial Bugs of North America.”

Good factoids on the little bumble bee:

  • Bumble bees look a little bit like their cousins, the honey bee, but they are not the same. Bumble bees do not produce enough honey for farmers to sell. Bumble bees make just enough honey to feed their young
  • Not all bumble bees have a sting. The small male worker bees that hatch in midsummer have no sting at all. These are called Drones.
  • Bumble bees are much less aggressive than honey bees. Generally they will not attack a human at all unless their life is under threat. If you stand quietly and watch them, they will not attack you. Once they smell that you are not a flower with pollen they will move gently away from you.
  • When a bumble bee stings, it does not lose its stinger and die like a honey bee does. They can whap you more than once. So – don’t threaten them or make them mad at you.
  • It is important for humans to encourage bumble bees to move into gardens and farms by planting the right kinds of flowers and plants. Once bumble bees move in, they will pollinate all the flowers, fruits and vegetables.

Maybe It’s Late But Just Call Us

Actually, call us during working hours. The reason we say late in the title is because that’s the best time to deal with the good guys. They sleep like us — after the sun goes down. More docile at that time of the day.

Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. will try our darnedest to put them in a moving truck and find the entire colony a new place to live. Or you can make friends with a nearby beekeeper. In either case, the mission is to protect the colony and send the population to a new location. We like bumble bees and honey bees. We especially enjoy fresh tomatoes, other fruits and veggies as well as swell flowers. Bumble bees and other beneficial insects keep a balance in Mom Nature’s plan.

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