4 Steps to Take If Your Rental Home Has Bugs

4 Steps to Take If Your Rental Home Has Bugs

Insect infestations are tricky issues for renters. They are a common occurrence, but lifestyle choices (like leaving the windows open or keeping dishes in the sink) can also increase or decrease the odds of a bug invasion. If bugs have started moving into your rental property here are the steps to take to get the problem handled ASAP.

Step 1: Check the Housing Laws for Your State

Most states have regulations that require landlords to maintain a healthy environment in the homes they rent. Oftentimes this includes keeping the home free of pests. Check with the local housing authority in your county to figure out what kind of regulations are enforced and whether pest control is required. Some states are also outlining laws specifically for bedbugs in an effort to get the problem under control.

However, there are some situations that can nullify the landlord’s responsibility. Keep reading to learn more.

Step 2: Check Your Lease

Special provisions for the maintenance of the property are worked into just about every lease. The provisions will clearly state what the landlord is and isn’t responsible for as well as any maintenance that the renter is responsible for during the lease term. If pest control isn’t required or clearly defined in your state, the lease is often the determining factor for who has to correct the problem.

If the lease states that pest control treatments are the renter’s responsibility then you’ll have to foot the bill. The landlord may also refuse to pay if the problem is linked back to the behaviors of the tenants. For instance, if the home isn’t properly cleaned and a cockroach infestation occurs the landlord will likely demand that the tenant pay for the pest control treatment. Another possible scenario is a flea infestation from the tenant’s pet. Anything that can be attributed to the tenant’s actions will become the renter’s responsibility.

Step 3: Make the Landlord Aware of the Problem

Most landlords are willing to handle an insect infestation because they can seriously impact the condition and value of a property. That’s why many apartment complexes and professional property managers schedule bi-monthly or monthly pest control treatments. If that isn’t the case where you live you’ll have to get the ball rolling on your own.

As soon as you realize there’s a problem let the landlord know. If the landlord already pays for regular treatments the pest control company should make a special trip to handle the problem pronto.

Use whatever contact method the landlord responds to the quickest. Give them details on what is occurring and what you’ve done to try to improve the situation. Request that they hire a professional pest control company to come out since your previous efforts haven’t solved the problem. If they don’t get back to you within a day or two contact them again. If you called them it’s important to also send a notice that’s in writing, even if it’s just a text message.

Step 4: Set Up a Pest Control Treatment Yourself If the Landlord Won’t

If the landlord refuses to handle the problem it’s best to go ahead and get the problem taken care of on your own so it doesn’t continue to get worse. This isn’t ideal, but it’s better than living in an infestation that can affect your health, quality of life and property.

Make every effort to be there when the exterminator treats the property. The technician can provide you with information regarding what likely caused the infestation. If it’s connected to the condition of the home or the property in general ask them to notate their findings. This information can be used to negotiate with the landlord and hopefully recoup the cost of the treatment.

Have bugs infested your Alabama rental property? Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. can help you evict the insects quickly. Give us a call today to get one of our experienced pest control technicians out to the property as quickly as possible.

Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/healthy-living/4-steps-to-take-if-your-rental-home-has-bugs/