Maybe it’s Time to Hire a Pro

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In America, it seems like we’re on a DIY binge. With all the Big Box hardware stores and TV programs, on how to take matters into your own hands, it’s no wonder. Same goes for pest control. Many folks think they can handle it. But as they say, “it’s fun until someone loses an eye.”

Since you’re likely going to be using poisonous and toxic brews, occasionally it’s prudent to call in a professional to take care of business. “When a homeowner attempts to treat a pest problem on their own, they are often treating the ‘tip of the iceberg’, and not the root cause of the problem,” says Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the NPMA. “The pests you see might be eliminated, but a larger infestation can continue to grow out of sight. These infestations can pose significant health risks to your family and cause damage to your property.”

The World of Non-DIY Pest Control

You’ve got some type of nuisance that’s giving you a pain. Especially indoors. Unless it’s a couple of flies, best bet is to contract someone who knows their way around the business of elimination. Pest pros have the tools, knowledge and training to keep you from being a victim of your own attempted cure. Take some time to look at a few of the monsters which definitely require a lot of know-how to deal with the matter:

  • Termites and other wood-boring insects.
    Do you believe it? Over half of all property owners have never had their home inspected for wood-boring insects. We’re talking termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees and powder post beetles. These critters can eat away at support beams which leads to expensive repairs. More bad news: As the house collapses around you, don’t look for your standard homeowners’ insurance policy to help. These menace insects work 24-hours a day, 365-days. That racks-up to around $5 billion in property damage every year. Their endless gnawing can cause you to realize you have an issue after the damage has already been done. At Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc., we can handle a full-tilt inspection and if you have an infestation, we’ll rock the crunchers like a hurricane.
  • Stinging Insects.
    Wasps, yellow jackets or fire ants are the top three culprits. Never, ever mess with them by yourself. You shake-up their hives and they will swarm – en masse – to defend their home base. Saving a few pennies by doing it yourself is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. You’re likely to spend excess money (and much more you thought you’d save) by taking a trip to the local hospital. A half-million in our country end-up in a clinic year-after-year. Ever have an allergic reaction to a stinging bug bite? If not, you don’t want to start now.

You May Think They’re Gone, But …

So, you’re not going to take our sage advice? Then get ready to receive repeat performances — reinfestations — in the future. Just because you see a roach, doesn’t mean there aren’t more lurking inside the walls, the basement or in the attic. We call this an “underlying cause that needs to be addressed.”

Think of us as not just professionals in pest control. We’re really into the business of conflict resolution. Our solutions fix the problem on a mega scale. Can’t get that from a can of spritz you bought at the grocery store.

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