Home Pest Control

Keep These Cold Weather Bugs Out of Your Home This Winter

stink bugs crawling on a house window

Some bugs die off as soon as the last warm day of summer or fall is over; others overwinter by entering a state of torpor, cozying up in cocoons, or carrying on in underground nests. And then there are the bugs who sneak into your house when seeking winter shelter.  Today’s edition of our weekly…

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Follow These Steps to Get Rid of Booklice

Even though booklice cannot bite, sting, or otherwise harm your family—and they tend to leave people alone altogether—we still classify them as household pests, and we’re willing to bet that you and your guests would prefer your home to be booklice-free.  Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of booklice from our experts…

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How Do I Keep Wasps Away from My Pool?

How to Keep Wasps Away from My Pool: Tips and Tricks Why Do Wasps & Other Flying Insects Love My Pool? Every living creature needs water to survive, and your pool is a large, predictable water source for nearby insects.  In the summer, hornets, bees, and wasps don’t just drink the water they can find:…

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Are Carpet Beetles Invasive?

Today, we’re taking a deep dive into carpet beetles, an invasive pest in Alabama and the rest of North America. What Are Carpet Beetles? Carpet beetles are insects of the Anthrenus genus and verbasciare species.  What Are Carpet Beetles Like in Each Life Stage? As a “true insect” with a metamorphic life cycle, each carpet…

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Why Do My Houseplants Have Gnats?

gnats on a sticky trap sticking out of a houseplant

  Houseplants can often be a major attractor for pests. Many wonder why these plants draw so much attention. Gnats are a common culprit, drawn to the damp soil of houseplants where they lay their eggs. These annoying bugs, who more specifically are often fungus gnats, can also cause major damage to houseplants through their…

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How Can I Get Rid of Lizards on My Porch?

green lizard sitting on wood porch

With nearly 5,000 species worldwide, you’ve likely seen your fair share of lizards. Here in Alabama, there are 17 species of lizards, 13 of which are native to the state. Lizards are fascinating reptiles, and many people keep them as pets. However, even if you appreciate these scaly reptiles as we do, we understand that…

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