Can Household Pets Help Deal with Pests?

cat looking over counter at a rodent

Can Pets Help with Pests?

You likely know that dogs and cats have a natural instinct to chase after rodents and certain insects, but have you ever thought about how this tendency can have a significant impact on the number of pests on your property?

A lot of traditional methods for pest control involve chemicals that can be dangerous for our canine and feline companions, which is why their interest in small, invasive creatures can offer a great chemical-free alternative for exterminating pests (keeping you both safe) while also saving you money!

However, there are many things to consider before allowing a cat or dog to serve as your full-time exterminator and reasons why pest control technicians may be better for the job. Read on to learn more! 

Cats’ Role in Pest Control

Cats and mice are notorious foes, both in cartoons and in real life. You probably know that a group of lions is called a pride, but did you know a pack of cats is called a clowder? 

If you have a cat that goes outdoors, you know that they love to chase after smaller creatures (and show you their spoils afterward).

However, there are a number of reasons why it’s best to let your cat help with indoor pest control and not venture too far outdoors.

First off, the overpopulation of unspayed, unneutered, and illness-carrying stray cats in the United States is the number one cause of death for pet cats in the country.

When outdoors, there’s an increased likelihood for your cat to contract Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), which leads to a decline in immunity protecting them from minor pathogens and illnesses that can turn fatal even if you’ve had your cat fixed.

According to Cornell University’s Center for Feline Health, “The primary mode of transmission for FIV is through bite wounds from an infected cat.” So if you let your fixed, healthy kitty outdoors, they may get in a fight or be attacked by another cat who has FIV. Luckily, as the report also states, calm and friendly contact between two cats, like sharing food or grooming each other’s fur, does not put your cat at risk for contracting FIV.

Letting your cat go outside can also put them at risk of being hit by a car or getting worms. Fleas are also not fun to deal with, especially if they’re brought home and cause a home infestation.

What About Dogs?

Explaining a dog’s role in pest prevention is a little more straightforward. With their naturally skilled senses of smell, your dog’s nose knows when pests first crawl onto your property. As the instinctual protectors they are, they’ll likely take care of it.

The main thing to worry about with allowing your dog to help out with pest control is that even well-behaved, thoroughly trained dogs like to put pretty much anything in their mouth, especially outside where there may be something fun and unfamiliar you haven’t said no to yet. 

Just be sure that when your dog is carrying something they found outside, it’s not a choking hazard or a poisonous plant, fungus, or animal. It’s also best to take your pet to regular vet checkups and get help immediately if they are injured or displaying symptoms of illness.

Keep Your Family and Pets Safe from Pests

We know that even the furriest of creatures can be family. We also know that you want to do your best to keep your family and pets safe from pests!

Our Vulcan Termite & Pest Control team has the expert knowledge you need to identify pest problems in your home or in your yard, and we’ll offer effective solutions for a clean, pest-free home that’s safe for you and your entire family.

To learn more about our affordable, highly effective pest control solutions, call us at 205-663-4200 or contact us online today!