Christmas Tree Bugs? What They Are & What to Do About Them

christmas tree bugs

Year after year, tons of families continue to opt for real trees around the holidays. And it’s no wonder why! They smell great, and going to pick out your tree (and sometimes even chop it down yourself) is a fun activity for the whole family. While it’s great to bring a little festive nature indoors, sometimes pests can hitch a ride

Christmas Tree Bugs

While you might be picturing a Christmas-themed bug right now, the term “Christmas tree bug” actually encompasses several different types of pests that could be found nestled next to your ornaments! Here’s a brief list of some of the most common bugs you’ll find. 


Spiders are probably the most recognizable pest you’ll find in your Christmas tree. They’re there to feast on other bugs that might call your tree home as well, which is great—but odds are you don’t want the spiders there either. 

Pine Needle Scale

This one’s tricky. At first glance, this won’t look like bugs at all! Pine needle scale will look like little splotches of white paint on your tree’s needles. In reality, however, these splotches are eggs that will hatch into little red bugs soon. 


You might assume that these are ticks at first thanks to the resemblance, but a couple things set aphids apart. They have six legs instead of eight, and are typically larger than ticks. These guys love the sap inside your Christmas tree, and can be hard to spot since they’re usually black or brown. 

Bark Beetles

Much like aphids, these Christmas tree bugs will be hard to see. They’re typically black, brown, or red in color and around the size of a grain of rice! The only good news about bark beetles is that, while they love wood, they prefer moist wood—meaning your furniture is most likely safe. 

Getting Rid of Christmas Tree Bugs

No one wants bugs for Christmas! It’s best to address your holiday pest problem as soon as you can, but carefully. You should never use an over-the-counter bug spray or insecticide on your Christmas tree. These products are extremely flammable, and even small tree lights could be a huge hazard! 

In situations like these where you can’t use store-bought bug sprays, your vacuum is your best friend. Vacuum up the pests as best you can, immediately emptying your vacuum into a trash can and immediately taking out the trash. There are also some powders available that can kill pests by drying them out, but it’s easy to use too much and this method takes quite a while. 

Call Vulcan Termite

Pests are smart, and oftentimes can evade simple home remedies! When bugs and other unwanted guests threaten to ruin your family’s Christmas, it’s time to call in the experts. Vulcan Termite & Pest Control has been serving the Birmingham area since 1965. We know a thing or two about safe and effective pest control! Give us a call today. We look forward to serving you!