Exterminators Speak: Precautions to Take When Using Household Pesticides
Did you know that as a homeowner you are legally responsible for your use of household pesticides? That’s right – if you decide to spray pesticides inside or outside of your home, you have a legal obligation to manage runoff, residues, or drift that could harm residents of your home.
This is precisely why it helps to consult expert pest control services in Birmingham for routine extermination on a quarterly basis. A skilled exterminator can help to get a household insect problem under control with the safe and correct use of highly dangerous pesticide chemicals.
In the meanwhile, you may decide to spray an over-the-counter pesticide between extermination visits if a stray bug is spotted around the house. Take to heart these important guidelines to use household pesticides safely to protect your pets and family:
- Start by reading pesticide labels carefully.It’s important to follow all safety precautions listed on a product label to protect you and your family’s health, as well as the environment.
- Spray pesticides in a well-ventilated area.Indoor pesticide should only be sprayed in a ventilated environment without the presence of pets, children, pregnant women, or the elderly.
- Don’t mix over-the-counter pesticides.Unless otherwise indicated on a product label, it is important to never combine or mix different pesticide products together to use in a home.
- Only use a pesticide according to directions.A pesticide should only be used for its intended purpose; as an example, an outdoor pesticide shouldn’t be sprayed indoors.
- Don’t spray pesticides on skin or belongings. Unless otherwise indicated on a product label, an over-the-counter pesticide shouldn’t be sprayed onto human skin, bedding, or clothing.
Additional Precautions for Household Pesticide Use
Just as important as your use of household pesticides is pesticide storage. It’s critically important to keep over-the-counter pesticide products away from children in a locked cabinet. Many parents prefer to install child-proof safety latches on kitchen cabinets to keep children away from harmful chemicals, like pesticides.
At a very young age, children should be taught that pesticides are dangerous and poisonous and should not be touched. This will prevent a young child from being tempted by a pesticide product to potentially ingest toxic chemicals.
Finally, after a professional exterminator has sprayed your home or over-the-counter pesticides have been sprayed indoors, it’s important to keep kids and pets out of the area until the product has dried completely. Experts also recommend that pregnant women stay out of a pesticide treated room for up to 24 hours after application.