How to Keep Your Home Bug-Free This Halloween
On the Halloween holiday there’s a lot of front door activity that can attract bugs and give them access inside your home. If you don’t want bugs pulling tricks to get treats here are a few suggestions for keeping them away during the holiday.
Use Flameless Candle Diffusers – There are now a few companies making flameless candles with built-in citronella diffusers that deter pests. Options from No Buzz Zone and BuzzEnder will create a cool, eerie glow while keeping bugs away for up to 300 square feet. These are much safer than regular citronella candles when kids are walking around all dressed up.
Use a Bug Light at the Front Door – The front porch light is a universal indicator to trick-or-treaters that you’re giving out candy. But it’s also a beacon for bugs. On Halloween try a yellow bug light in place of your regular one. Making the bulb yellow decreases the color temperature and in turn makes it more difficult for most bugs to see. Bug lights won’t kill insects, but they will attract a lot less pests.
Stick to Packaged Candy – These days many parents won’t let kids have homemade treats, but that’s much better for homeowners in the long run. Treats that aren’t wrapped up are more likely to attract sweet-seeking pests. Just keep an eye out for tricksters to make sure candy wrappers don’t end up in your yard.
Inspect Holiday Décor Before Putting It Up – Whether it’s old decorations that have been boxed up, new store-bought décor or elements taken right out of your yard, always inspect items for hideaway bugs before using.
Seal Around the Front Door – The best way to keep bugs from getting through the front door year round is to make sure it’s properly sealed. This is a three-pronged attack that requires:
- A sturdy aluminum or steel threshold
- Weather stripping
- A nylon door sweep
Sealing the doors up tight will also keep your heat from escaping during the winter.
Sit Out Front – If you aren’t constantly opening and closing the front door bugs have zero chance of getting inside (after you seal it up, of course). Plus, it will be much more fun to get all dressed up and join in on the fun.
Get a Pest Control Treatment Before the Holiday – Minimize the bug population with a preemptive strike before Halloween rolls around. Schedule for an exterior pest control treatment the week of Halloween to get rid of bugs that are hanging out around your front yard.
If you live in the Pelham, AL area and want to give bugs a trick instead of a treat, give Vulcan Termite & Pest Control a call. We’ll get one of our technicians out to scare insects away from your property.
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