Neighborhood Pests
Never, ever consider that snot-nosed neighbor’s kid a pest. Sure, he’s always dropping by in the middle of one of your projects, asking, “Hey, whatcha doing? Need any help? I know what a hammer is.”
He’s just curious. You don’t have to be a mentor, but calling a pest control specialist is not the best way to keep the young-un out of your hair.
Real Pests
The ones that bug us the most are the pests we find crawling around inside our homes. You expect them outside, but behind your four walls, that’s the final straw. Most commercial pesticides that are used in the wild are also applied inside your house. That’s a concern. Especially if you have little ones, dogs, cats or iguanas.
Practically every store in the world sells insecticides. That could end-up being a bad solution — off the counter sprays and pellets. Keeping everyone safe as you rid the place of pests is best handled by someone who knows the biz. A pest control agent will not only rid you of the monsters you see. They have the skills to do a complete inventory to ensure that all pests are brought under control.
Roaches, ants and mosquito elimination could be a DIY project, as long as it hasn’t gotten so far that the bugs are calling out for Chinese food. Termites. Totally different story. Same for other pests that can cause structural damage, carpenter ants are another example where a pro needs to enter the scene.
You have to change your habits, too. If you’re prone to keeping empty pizza boxes on the living room table until the next day, you need to start cleaning up your act. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink. Wipe down all counters. In other words, your slob days are over.
The Yard
In most cases, you can handle this yourself. Just follow the directions. Make sure you don’t spray around places where critters you love habituate. You don’t want to face a judge at dog court for poisoning your little poodle.
Notice an insect infestation in a tree. Time to call in the big guns. You enjoy the shade in the summer months. However, if a mighty wallop from the heavens hits the area, a compromised branch could become a newly-added feature to your roof. Those pests in the lumber could easily hop into your home and take-up residence in your attic. Call the authorities (not 9-1-1, silly) — a pest control management agent.
Go Organic
You can do a few proactive things by going organic. Talk to an authority at the pest management office. They’ll be able to check-out the problem and offer non-toxic solutions. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Every Tom, Dick and Sherry has a cure for the common cold.
Big Beasts
Your first response is to grab the shotgun and blast that raccoon to another life. Animals like mice, birds, bats and rats, if they die in a hidden area of your home are going bring the sour smell of death into your life. We recommend calling us. We’ll relocate them where they won’t bother you.
After all, not all pests are wicked. Many of them are beneficial. Take the barn owl. Their main diet is mosquitoes. Bees? What? You don’t like honey? We’ve written an article that explains some of the good guys in the animal kingdom. Check it out.
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