Why Quarterly Pest Control Treatments Are Still Needed in Fall

If you’ve been reading our previous posts this month then you probably already know a few reasons why quarterly pest control treatments are still needed in the fall and winter when the weather cools off. If not, here’s a quick look at why you still need to be proactive to keep pests away.


#1 – Bugs are Less Active, but They Aren’t Gone

They may not be buzzing and crawling around as much, but that doesn’t mean the bugs have died off or moved on somewhere else. Many, but not all, insects hibernate during the cold months or move around less to conserve energy. But trust us, they’re still out there and can be just as big a nuisance.

#2  Insects are Laying Eggs

What’s worse is there’s a good chance bugs are lurking around looking for a good sheltered spot to lay their eggs. Oftentimes they choose places around homes where the eggs can be better protected from the harsh elements. Being proactive and having pest control treatments before they hatch is a good way to head off the problem before it starts in the spring.

#3 – Bugs Will be More Attracted to Your Home Because of the Warmth

During the spring and summer when it’s warm outside most bugs are happy to be outdoors. However, it’s a whole other story when the temperatures start to drop. Insects may be cold-blooded creatures, but when temperatures drop below 50° F it starts to take a toll on their bodies. If it gets below freezing most insects will die. Bugs instinctively know this and will be looking to get into and around warm homes that put off heat.


#4 – Fall Décor and Firewood are Bug Magnets

When fall comes so does the firewood, foliage and outdoor décor. These are highly desirable hideaways for bugs that are looking for shelter during the colder months. Firewood in particular can be a problem because wood destroying insects like termites and carpenter ants may see it as an easy meal.

#5 – Pest Control Technicians Can Spot Entry Points as the Season Changes

As we enter fall and the temperatures change it can cause cracks and crevices to form or expand. An expert technician knows insect entry points when they see them and can point out places that need to be plugged up. Bonus – sealing these areas will also help you conserve heat in your home.

At Vulcan Termite & Pest Control we offer services year round for customers in Alabama. There are quarterly, monthly and bi-monthly options that fit any homeowners’ needs and schedule.


Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/home-pest-control/quarterly-pest-control-treatments-still-needed-fall/