Spring Cleaning Tips for a Pest-Free Home

pest-free home

Spring is almost in full swing! Get ready for the lovely sound of birds chirping and bees buzzing, along with the smell of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers. What’s not to love?! 

Additionally, spring cleaning is underway to “dust away” the winter blues. There are many benefits of spring cleaning, like preventing household insects that may be invading. But, how do you find them and clean them out? 

Don’t worry! We’ve got it covered for your convenience. Here is a list of the most common bugs that stick around your home and how to get them out to ensure you have a pest-free home:  


Over 80% of homeowners experience ant problems in their homes, making ants the most common pest problem in the United States. To lessen the chance of an ant infestation, eliminate any food or water sources out in the open. Additionally, you can easily purchase a pest treatment product that you can apply to your home. The best way to rid the problem entirely is to contact a professional—like us at Vulcan Termite—that can treat the source of the problem. 


In the darker places of your home, spiders often take refuge. To minimize this problem, consider decluttering your home so there are fewer places for spiders to reside. By putting food away (sealed and in its proper place), cleaning all your surfaces, vacuuming or mopping floors, and more, spiders have nothing to be attracted to. Simply eliminate places for spiders to flock to, and you’ll be just fine! 


Just like how humans enjoy warmer temperatures, so do cockroaches! They are extremely attracted to warm, humid places. So during your spring cleaning, check behind all your kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, and dishwashers. They also can be found under mats, rugs, sinks, etc. As a good rule of thumb, if you see a cockroach scamper across your floor during the day, you may be at risk of an infestation. Typically, they are nocturnal creatures and prefer dark nooks and crannies. 

Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks that apply during your spring cleaning session to ensure a pest-free home: 

#1: Wipe down all surfaces—sticky and sugary ones especially 

#2: Fix leaky faucets 

#3: Secure your garbage bags 

#4: Clean dirty dishes either in the sink or dishwasher 

#5: Perform lawn maintenance for the plants/bushes touching the exterior of your home

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We know that all of these can get overwhelming, so call us and take some of the load off. We would love to stop by your house and help you get rid of those frustrating pests that may be infesting your home.