Asian Tiger Mosquito Invasion!

An insect that can infect a person with West Nile Virus has invaded Alabama. Called the Asian Tiger Mosquito it carries the sometimes deadly disease. Already seen in hoards on the East Coast, this species of the flying bug has been sighted in the Heart of Dixie. Let this be a warning to all of us. This is prime time for this type of pest.


Accidentally introduced to America from overseas in the 1980’s, the Asian Tiger Mosquito has invaded the borders of Alabama. Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc.‘s Board Certified Entomologist has alerted our company that this creature is a cause for concern for all residents of the state. This is not a drill!


The Asian Tiger Mosquito has been found throughout the Southeast. However, because of the increase in temperature it has become even more vital to take steps now to stem-off this invasion. Not only that, they’re breeding faster than previously expected. Sort of like rabbits to the 10th power.


This terrible little monster is capable of giving you some fairly serious diseases. Things like LaCrosse encephalitis, yellow fever and dengue fever. And West Nile Virus, too.


Researchers have experimented on the birthrates of Asian tiger mosquitoes. When incubated at three different temperatures — 79, 75 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the beasts breed the most at the hottest level. One of the scientists, Barry Alto explains, “We were able to show that populations at higher temperatures had extremely high rates of population increase, and that the population increased very rapidly.”


The Asian Tiger Mosquito is much smaller than other types; it’s name sums up its vicious biting habit. The sting creates much more pain than it’s nearby cousins. Most mosquitoes are night creatures. This variety can bite you during the daylight hours as well. Not only that, because they move so fast, it can infect a person before you even know what hit you.


The Asian Tiger Mosquito does not have the same physical characteristics as other West Nile Virus carriers. It’s black with white stripes.


Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. has a solution. It’s designed to suppress the biting and breeding adult mosquito population, break the life cycle by treating the breeding areas where eggs and larvae harbor and develop and assist in eliminating conducive conditions contributing to mosquito infestation and finding “green” remedies.


For homeowners and commercial sites considering a total mosquito elimination plan, our company urges you to act fast to mitigate this threat.


Since Alabama is currently seeing the worst outbreak of West Nile virus in years, you need to act quickly. The State’s Public Health Veterinarian, Dee Jones, tells us that most folks won’t exhibit any signs. But 20% will.

Flu-like symptoms, fever, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, rash and general malaise are just a few of the side effects. A small sample of people — especially children and the elderly — are at risk of contracting a serious neurological infection which includes encephalitis.

As we said. This is not a drill. It’s a full-fledged warning.

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