Insects You Find In Alabama Part 2

vintage-insect-and-butterfly-boxes Alabama Insects Part 2













Last time, in Part 1, we forgot to mention that insects are nomads. Whether they fly beyond their boundaries or are imported by human transportation, their location can change. In the past we’ve had insect invasions from other countries and states that have the capacity to mess-up the local environment. These invaders don’t know border law.

Why Bugs Migrate and Move Around

If Alabama isn’t their home state then why do bugs migrate here? Turns out there are lots of reasons why bugs migrate on their own.


If a food or water supply runs short an insect will move on in search of a place nearby with grub. Some species will also spread out to surrounding areas so that they don’t all have to compete for the same resources, especially if they are limited.


The temperature outside will get insects moving. Like birds some species will migrate south for the winter then head back up north come spring. The Monarch Butterfly is a famous example of this.


It’s not just a matter of going where the opposite sex is – some insects only have one. Scientists say sometimes it’s a matter of trying to spread their seed farther and in different environments.

Environmental Factors

Like other animals, if the environmental factors change insects will migrate to another area similar to what they were use to. Environmental changes can be natural such as a volcano eruption that throws ash in the air or man-made like forested areas being cut down for housing complexes.

Part 2 of Alabama’s Indigenous Insects in Alphabetical Order

We once more give thanks to the website Their database is what we’re using to discover the nearly 200 different species of bugs in Alabama. Check out the list below. Included are links to take you to their site to find out more. Pictures are included!

Marbled Orb Weaver
Maritime Earwig
Mealy Bug Destroyer Larvae
Metallic Crab Spider
Milkweed Bug
Mimosa Yellow Sulphur
Monarch Butterfly
Mormon Cricket
Mydas Fly
Net-Winged Beetle
North American Jumping Spider
Northern Mole Cricket
Northern Walkingstick
Notch Tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle
Nursery Web Spider
Orb Weaver
Ox Beetle
Pale Windscorpion
Pandorus Sphinx Moth
Parson Spider
Pearl Crescent Butterfly
Periodical Cicada

Pigeon Tremex
Pine Sawyer Beetle
Pipevine Swallowtail
Plume Moth
Polka Dot Wasp Moth
Polyphemus Moth
Potter Wasp
Praying Mantis
Predaceous Diving Beetle
Red Ant-Mimic Spider
Red Headed Ash Borer
Red Oak Borer
Red Spotted Ant Mimic Spider
Red Velvet Ant
Reticulated Netwinged Beetle
Ring-Legged Earwig
Robber Fly (Diogmites)
Robber Fly (Efferia)
Rose Chafer
Rosy Apple Aphid
Running Crab Spider
Running Spider
Rustic Sphinx Moth
Sac Spider
Saddleback Caterpillar
Seashore Springtail
Silver Garden Spider
Silver-spotted Skipper
Small Carpenter Bee
Small House Fly
Small Minnow Mayfly
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Sminthurid Springtail
Snow Mosquito
Snowberry Clearwing Moth
Soldier Beetle
Southeastern Lubber Grasshopper
Southeastern Wandering Spider
Southern Black Widow
Southern Emerald Moth
Southwestern Eyed Click Beetle
Sowbug Killer Spider
Spangled Flower Beetle
Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly
Spined Micrathena Spider
Spiny Backed Orb Weaver
Spitting Spider
Spotted Camel Cricket
Spotted Orb Weaver
Spotted Tree Borer Beetle
Spur-throated Grasshopper
Squash Bug
Stag Beetle
Striped Blister Beetle
Swamp Cicada
Tachinid Fly
Tailless Whipscorpion
Tan Jumping Spider
Tarantula Hawk
Tersa Sphinx Moth
Thin-Legged Wolf Spider
Thistle Down Velvet Ant
Thread-Waisted Wasp
Three Lined Potato Beetle
Tobacco Hornworm Moth
Trashline Orb Weaver
Triangulate Cob Web Spider
Tuft-Legged Orb Weaver
Turret Spider
Varied Carpet Beetle
Venusta Orchard Spider
Vine Sphinx Moth
Walnut Sphinx Moth
Wasp Moth
Water Springtail
Western Flying Adder
Western Hercules Beetle
Western Spotted Orb Weaver
Western Wood Cockroach
Wheel Bug
White Oak Borer Beetle
White-lined Sphinx Moth
White-spotted Sawyer Beetle
Wolf Spider
Woodland Jumping Spider
Woolly Bear Caterpillar Moth
Yellow Jacket
Yellow Sac Spider
Yellow Velvet Ant
Zebra Butterfly

A big thumbs up to the scientists at for allowing us to use this information. Don’t forget, you can click on any of the bugs listed above for more info.

Final thoughts. Whenever you travel out of Alabama to another country, or even another state, make sure you don’t bring any creepy-crawly baggage home with you. Both you and Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. already have enough bugs to deal with here in the Heart of Dixie.

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