Alabama Bugs That Bite!

While we humans are busy chomping on turkey this month, there could be insects taking a bite out of us. During the winter more insects move inside to escape the cold, which means there could be a higher likelihood of getting bitten.

Use this guide to find out which Alabama bugs bite and what to do if you get bitten.

Biting Spiders

The biggest insect fear for many people is getting bitten by a spider. There are several in Alabama that may sink their fangs into your skin, but most spiders are harmless. In fact, they’re beneficial because they chomp on other insects.

Black Widow

The biggest biting threat comes from black widows. The red hourglass on their belly is a dead give away. They are also identifiable by their shiny, black exoskeleton. Despite what many people think, black widows are actually pretty docile. They usually only bite if they are disturbed and feel threatened. If you are bitten by a black widow, you need immediate medical attention since the venom is a powerful neurotoxin.

Brown Widow

They aren’t as well known as their black counterparts, but the bite of a brown widow is just as dangerous.

Brown Recluse

A brown recluse spider can actually be anywhere from light tan to dark chocolate in color. Because of their tendency to hide, most people get bitten by brown recluse spiders when they unknowingly make contact. For example, putting on a pair of shoes that a brown recluse is hiding in. The real danger with a brown recluse bite is that it can damage skin tissue.

You may not feel pain right away, but you will notice redness and swelling around the bite soon after. Medical attention will be needed to avoid permanent scarring and skin damage.

Blood Sucking Bugs

Next up are the blood sucking bugs that don’t just bite and move on. When they find a host to feed on they’ll stick around for as long as possible.

Bed Bugs

The most dreaded biting insect is the bed bug. They can multiply quickly and are notoriously hard to get rid of once they get into a home. Bed bugs are mostly nocturnal, which means they tend to bite unsuspecting victims while they sleep.


The biggest concern with ticks is not finding them after they’ve latched on since they spread disease. Ticks in Alabama have been known to carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever as well as Lyme disease.


Your pets hate fleas more than any other insect. Fleas will bite humans and animals in search of blood. They can spread quickly, jumping from one host to the next.


Perhaps the most dangerous blood-sucking insect is the mosquito. A mosquito is annoying and their bites can create itchy welts, but it’s their ability to spread disease that makes mosquitoes a real danger. In humid, warm areas like Alabama the conditions are perfect for mosquito reproduction.


That’s right – they aren’t making your head itch simply by crawling around. Lice bite into your scalp and feed on your blood.


There’s another reason to hate roaches – they’ll bite. As gross as it sounds, cockroaches have been known to eat the flesh of living and dead human bodies. The bite sites will swell and irritate the skin.

Conenose (Kissing Bugs)

Conenose bugs like to hide in the warmth and comfort of beds. Once everyone has settled in for the night they awaken and bite unsuspecting prey. They are called kissing bugs because they will usually bite a person or animal around the mouth. Most bites won’t cause much of a reaction, but there are known cases of conenose bugs spreading Chagas disease.

Beetles That Bite

Think beetles are docile creatures? Think again. Beetles in Alabama aren’t venomous, but their pinchers are capable of a painful bite. Fortunately, very few beetles will actually use their pinchers on humans.

Asian Lady Beetles

Asian lady beetles, more commonly referred to as ladybugs, will hibernate in homes for the winter. They may even get so comfortable they’ll begin to move around the house. That’s bad news for homeowners. They won’t cause structural damage, but ladybugs have been known to bite when they feel threatened.

Long-Horn Beetles

A long-horn beetle isn’t afraid to bite a person, but that isn’t all they can do. This beetle species also has a stinger.

Sap Beetles

One of the few beetles that are strong enough to bite through flesh is the sap beetle. Luckily they prefer to feed on other beetle species, not gardeners.

Ants That Attack

There are 170 species of ants known to live in Alabama, and every one of them has colony members that can bite a person. Even teeny, tiny black ants will bite, but you probably won’t notice it. Red, imported fire ants are the worst offenders on the list. That’s because fire ants don’t just bite. They latch on so they can then sting you too. If you’re allergic to their toxic alkaloid venom the bites can be extremely painful.

You can keep all of these biting insects at bay with the help of Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. Our family-owned company has provided pest control in Central Alabama for decades. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

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