What Ants Live in Alabama?

antsAnts are an unwelcome, yet familiar, sight in Alabama. Mounds and marching lines signal that cooler weather is settling in for the fall or it’s warming up for the spring, making the ants more active. Currently, there are approximately 136 ant species in the state, and not an inch of it is free of the pests.

Our team of professional pest control experts have put together a breakdown of a handful of the most common ants that are found in Alabama, their habits and what homeowners need to watch out for.

Black Imported Fire Ant

These ants came through Mobile, AL from South America and spread across the state in a hurry. They’ve been around since 1918 and aren’t going away anytime soon. Black imported fire ants are a serious nuisance because they have a nasty sting and create ugly, big mounds.


Where: All counties, but mostly the northwestern region

What: Large and black

Red Imported Fire Ant

Not long after the black variety arrived in the state, red imported fire ants began crawling around Alabama as well. Like black imported fire ants they build massive mounds and can even get in equipment like air conditioners causing significant damage.

Where: All counties, but mostly the south and eastern regions

What: Large and reddish in color

Native Fire Ants

Native fire ants are smaller than their imported counterparts, but they still like to sting. Fortunately, the imported fire ants have helped control the natives restricting their range to limited spots in Alabama.

Where: Across the state

What: Smaller, red or black

Crazy Ants

As the name suggests, these ants are wild cannons that have recently started battling fire ants for ground across the southeast – and they’re winning. Crazy ants are another transplant of South America. However, crazy ants don’t sting, and they live in colonies that are humungous. While they do like to nest in electrical equipment, they commonly make their way into homes as well. They aren’t widespread in Alabama yet, though they have quickly covered surrounding states at an amazingly fast pace.

Where: Last fall crazy ants made their way up the western edge of the state.

What: Light brown and yellow, shiny

Myrmecina Americana

These odd-looking ants are very common in forested areas where they like to hide under fallen logs and around tree bases.

Where: Southeast forest areas

What: Blackish brown on the body with yellow legs, furry appearance

Florida Carpenter Ant

These ants moved west as far as Mississippi, stopping in Alabama along the way. They are attracted to moist wood, and if given the chance they’ll eat right through it. There are hundreds of carpenter ant species, but the Camponotus floridanus is one of the more common types found in Alabama.

Where: Across the state

What: Large with erect hairs, red head and black behind.

Have you spotted mounds in your yard, or worse, ant activity in and around your house? Give Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. a call. Our Alabama pest control specialists have handled just about every kind of ant in the state.


Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/pest-profiles/ants-live-alabama/