Flying Ants and Termites

That buzzing which flew-by your ear has just interrupted your favorite TV show. Your eyes focus on the critter. Sneaking-up on it like a Navy Seal, you discover it’s a flying something. Karma is busted. The worst fear has come to mind. “That’s all I need is a termite infestation!”

Not so fast, viewer. There may not be any reason to dread the onslaught of wood-eating, property destroying monsters.

You see, flying ants could be the culprit. They are not always a sign that termites have invaded. They could simply be ants with wings.


What’s the Difference?

Lumber-crunchers do take over by sending out a battalion of flying creatures. That part is true, representing a real threat to your home. But there are quite a few species of ants which also have the miracle of flight. Assuredly, both are a pain in the neck.

One way to tell the difference is smack one and take a look at the lifeless thing. The body parts tell the tale. You don’t need to have a Master’s in Bugology. Look at it. Termites have a head and a body. Period.

Every ant you’ll ever encounter come into view having three parts. A thorax, an abdomen and a head. Translated, unlike the termite, flying ants have a body with two, not one, body part.

Another method that separates the villains is the antennae. An ant has a fashionable, elbow-like look to this appendage. Termites don’t have this tilted feature.

Still, you don’t want either of this menaces in your space. Call us at Vulcan Termite and Pest Control. We can rid you of both flying ants and termites. After all, it’s kind of our middle name.

Shoot! It Is a Termite

Don’t go-off half cocked. Grab the specimen and put it in an unused prescription bottle. Drop by our termite company with the suspect. We’ve got some questions for you:

  • How many of these winged termites have you come across?
  • What rooms did you locate the bug in?
  • If you discovered the flying termite, did you swat it outside or inside the house?

There is the off-possibility that the termite swarmer merely blew on the outside of your house thanks to a hefty wind. Let’s hope this is the case. If it is, you should still schedule an inspection with us. There’s nothing more that we’d like to do after further scrutinizing your adobe hacienda is to blow the all-clear siren.

On the other hand, the termites were spotted flapping their wings, coming from the inside. We’ll deal with it. Vulcan Termite and Pest Control will check out, among other things, garage doors, porch columns, windows, doors, bay windows and all wood to ferret out the bummers.

Another note. Flying termites don’t feast off of wood. They’re more like bellwethers, telling you there might be a bigger issue in the deep recesses of your home.

Whatever the case — flying ants or winged termites — Vulcan Termite and Pest Control will set things straight so you can get back to your wide-screen and watch another installment of “Duck Dynasty.”