Types of Scorpions in Alabama

close up Scorpion on ground in tropical forest

When you hear the word “scorpions” one of two things may come to mind – the German powerhouse rock band and the desert. In reality, scorpions can be found all over the U.S., including Alabama. In 2014 alone, the Regional Poison Control Center reported 196 scorpion stings. In fact, scorpions dole out more venomous stings than any other animal in the state.

Here’s a closer look at the two native species of scorpions that you’ll come across in Alabama.

Hentz Striped Scorpion (Centruroides Hentzi)

The Hentz Striped Scorpion, also called the Striped Bark Scorpion, is primarily found in the coastal regions across the Gulf Coast. They are one of the most common scorpion species in the U.S.

Size: 2” long on average, rarely 2.5” long

Appearance: Brown in color with three yellow colored stripes down the back.

Southern Unstriped Scorpion (Vaejovis Carolinianus)

The other native scorpion is the Southern Unstriped Scorpion, also known by the more ominous name Southern Devil Scorpion. These critters tend to stay in the mountainous and piedmont areas of central and northern Alabama.

Size: The Southern Unstriped Scorpion is sometimes larger than Hentz Striped Scorpions, ranging from 1.5-3.15”.

Appearance: Solid in color, usually ranges from dark brown to dark grey.

Safety Precautions That Can Prevent Scorpion Stings

The one silver lining is that Alabama scorpions aren’t a serious threat to humans and their pets unless you’re allergic to their venom. But that doesn’t mean you want to deal with a painful sting. Here’s what Alabama residents need to know to avoid getting stung.

Keep an eye out for exoskeletons – Like snakes in Alabama, scorpions regularly shed their outer layer. If you see exoskeletons it’s a sure sign scorpions are around. Teeny tiny exoskeletons will mean baby scorpions aren’t far away.

Be careful around mulch, pine straw and woodpiles – These are common hiding spots for scorpions in Alabama.

Check your shoes – Another common hiding spot for scorpions is inside of shoes.

Be wary of where you step at night – Scorpions are nocturnal arachnids, which means they primarily come out after dark.

Be on alert when the weather’s bad – The primary reason scorpions venture into homes is because the weather outside forces them to find shelter. They’re more likely to enter a home when it’s raining, cold or drought-like.

Weatherize around doors and windows – Scorpions can squeeze their bodies through crevices that are just an 1/8”. Weatherizing around doors and windows can limit their access. While you’re at it seal pipes around the area as well.

Never pick up a scorpion – Even if it looks like it’s dead it may still have a little life in it. It’s best to sweep them up with a dustpan.

At Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. we can take care of all household pests and yard pests. No matter where scorpions are hiding we’re sure to find them.

Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/pest-profiles/types-scorpions-alabama/