Pest Safety

Bee Hive vs. Wasp Nest: Identifying the Differences

up close picture of wasp nest

Along with ants and sawflies, wasps and bees are scientifically classified as insects in the Hymenoptera order. Thus, wasps and bees are close relatives in the animal kingdom and have many mutual features.  Like most creatures, wasps and bees need homes to safely shelter from predators and the elements, store food, eat, prepare for each…

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Stick to These Summer Pest Prevention Do’s and Dont’s

man spraying for bugs under furniture

With the arrival of summer comes warmer temperatures, longer days—and, unfortunately, a lot of pesky pests. From mosquitoes and flies to ants and termites, these unwanted visitors can quickly turn a relaxing summer into a frustrating battle! However, with proper summer pest prevention measures, you can enjoy the season to the fullest without dealing with…

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Your Guide to Stinging Insect Nests

stinging insects

Let’s face it, nature can be scary. But sometimes it’s hard to know whether or not our fears are validated, especially when it comes to insects. It can be difficult to discern if that buzzing miniscule monster flying at us is a passive bumble bee or a murder hornet! Odds are, that’s not a murder…

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Stung? There’s a Cure for That

Home is where we feel the safest – until stinging insects move in. Next thing you know, you feel the sting of an angry insect that doesn’t want a neighbor. For most people it’s a painful annoyance, but 0.8% of children and 3% of adults are allergic to insect stings from bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and fire ants. An allergic reaction…

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4 Things That Attract Scorpions

Scorpions may not do damage to your property, but they are still a hazardous nuisance around your home. Scorpions are one of the 12 bugs found on the Children’s of Alabama’s list of poisonous insects. Researchers at the Regional Poison Control Center at Children’s of Alabama found that in 2014, brown scorpions stung people more than any other insect in…

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Pesticides & Your Pets: Common Myths Exposed

There are a lot of things to love about pets. They’re great companions that love us unconditionally and can ease our stress – that is, unless they bring insects inside your home. Pet owners have an additional need for pest control compared to animal-free households, but many people are hesitant to consider their pesticide options.…

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Mosquito Season Kickoff: Get Rid of Them While You Can!

It’s official – mosquito season is here. With each passing day the buzzing grows louder at dusk as mosquitoes come out to feast. People quickly abandon their outdoor pursuits and run for cover indoors rather than risking a bite. They may be tiny and annoying, but mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects on the planet.…

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Zika Update: What You Need to Know This Spring

A lot has happened in the last 12 months since Zika became a threat here in the U.S. Awareness about the dangers of the Zika virus is much higher, giving many people one more reason to protect against mosquito bites. In this update we’re taking a look at what’s been done to combat the virus…

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How To Safely Remove Stingers

Before you know it spring will have sprung in Alabama and a familiar sound will return – the humming of active insects. Some of the first bugs you may notice around your property are bees, wasps and hornets that are busy building nests and their colonies. All of these insects serve a purpose in the…

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Are Pest Control Chemicals Safe?

No one understands the importance of pest control safety better than a professional exterminator. At Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. we take safety seriously and only use approved pesticides following their specific guidelines. For the most part pest control chemicals are completely safe. However, they have to be handled carefully by someone who’s trained…

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