Pesticides & Your Pets: Common Myths Exposed
There are a lot of things to love about pets. They’re great companions that love us unconditionally and can ease our stress – that is, unless they bring insects inside your home.
Pet owners have an additional need for pest control compared to animal-free households, but many people are hesitant to consider their pesticide options. Many misconceptions about pesticide safety keep pet owners from treating their property out of fear it could harm their furry family members.
We completely understand the concern, but in many cases the misinformation is much scarier than the reality. In this post our pest experts are debunking some of the most common myths surrounding pesticides and pets.
Myth #1 – No Pesticides Are Safe Around Pets
Fact: While this myth may have had some factual basis years ago, today it’s no longer the case. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carefully monitors and regulates pesticide use to minimize the safety risks for people, animals and the environment. Products that are found to be unsafe are pulled from market and prohibited. Forgoing pesticides all together could do more harm than good since pest control treatments help kill yard pests like fleas that pose a threat to pets.
There are dozens of available pesticides with varying levels of toxicity. As long as the application is planned out properly and applied appropriately there shouldn’t be a risk for pets.
Myth #2 – I’ll Have to Keep My Pets Out of the Yard for a Few Days
Fact: Although you will need to keep pets out of the treated area for a period, it’s usually only for a few hours. A 2013 study found that herbicides used to kill weeds could persist on the lawn for up to 48 hours, not insecticides. The pesticide needs to fully dry, which typically takes 1-4 hours. However, the longer you keep them off the lawn the better.
Myth #3 – Natural Remedies Work Just as Well as Pesticides
Fact: Many “natural” remedies do little to kill insects and prevent infestations. If they did we’d be using them, because we’re only interested in the most effective treatments. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is one of the few natural remedies that work for specific purposes, but it’s messy, very localized and not as convenient. Some natural remedies can also be more dangerous for pets than pesticides. Take garlic for example. A myth started going around that garlic could kill fleas. Studies have shown that garlic won’t kill fleas, but in sizeable doses it could be poisonous for dogs and cats.
Myth #4 – Pesticides Will Make Fleas and Ticks More Resistant
Fact: There may be super germs, but there’s no evidence of super insects. To date, no studies have shown that pesticides are breeding yard pests that are resistant to treatments.
At Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. our highly experienced pest control technicians take every possible precaution to protect people and pets. We only use acceptable pesticides for their approved use. Kill pests and protect your pets with custom pest control treatments – call us today!
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