Where to Look for Bugs During Spring Cleaning
Don’t let bugs surprise you during spring cleaning! Chances are a few winter pests may have snuck inside to seek shelter from the cold. Here’s a look at the pests you could encounter when cleaning and where you’re likely to find them, as well as the spring pests that are emerging outdoors.
Where and What Bugs You Could Find During Spring Cleaning
Bugs can get really creative in where they hide away for the winter and early spring. What’s more, the bugs that have been laying low during the cold months are likely to get more active as the weather warms up, increasing your odds of coming across them while you clean in the areas below.
Attic – Asian lady beetles are notorious for turning attics into their winter home. The good news is they typically move back outdoors on their own as soon as it warms up.
Nooks and Crannies – Stink bugs are migratory pests that like to vacation indoors during the winter. They can usually be found within insulated walls, floorboards and light fittings. When you’re cleaning out all the nooks and crannies, don’t be surprised if you see these guys trying to head back outside.
In Boxes – Whether they are in the closet, under the bed or in the attic, boxes and storage containers provide the perfect home for a variety of bugs. Carpet beetles that munch on wool and silk are one such pest that seeks out the shelter of a storage container. Moths and silverfish bugs may also be hiding away in storage containers if they aren’t completely sealed.
Garage – This is one of the easier spots for bugs to sneak into since the door is opened and closed quite a bit. If you keep your trash cans in the garage that is a definite hot spot for insects, along with storage containers.
Pantry – It’s a cool, dark place stocked with food. In other words, the pantry is an oasis for bugs that make their way indoors. If you’re going through and cleaning out expired food, keep in mind that there may be pantry pests (see below) inside the open containers. Be especially mindful when handling cereals, flour, grains, processed food, pastas, spices, dried fruit and pet food.
Bugs That Are Emerging Outdoors During the Spring
Spring cleaning isn’t just an indoor activity. When it warms up outside it’s the perfect time to spruce up patios, decks, porches and your garden. When you’re cleaning up outdoors you definitely need to be on the look out for insects that are emerging for spring. Pests that thrive in warmer weather (60° F and over) include:
- Ants
- Bees
- Centipedes
- Spiders
- Termites
- Wasps
- Pantry Pests – beetles, weevils and Indian meal moths
Be especially carefully around old piles of wood and dark, cool crevices. These are favored spots for black widows, wasps and other stinging insects. One way to protect yourself from springtime pests is to wear gardening gloves, long sleeves, socks and shoes that fully cover your feet.
The good news is spring cleaning gives you the perfect opportunity to find pest problems before they become full-blown infestations. However, if you do come across any big bug issues or wood destroying pests like termites, it’s time to call in a professional pest control company to clean them out.
Image Source: flickr.com/photos/14516334@N00/6105263663
Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/seasonalpests/look-bugs-spring-cleaning/