Safely Remove Bees Without Swatting

beeBees play an important part in the pollination process, which is why they are out in full force buzzing around the flowers that are everywhere in Alabama. Because of the important role they play it’s best to remove them rather than kill them if they have decided to swarm around your garden.

But how do you safely remove an insect with such a powerful sting? First you have to understand why they sting.

Why Bees Sting

Of course, the biggest concern when getting rid of bees is getting stung. It’s a legitimate concern because it hurts. But for people with allergies a bee sting can be a life-threatening risk.

When it comes to fight or flight only the bees that are tasked with protecting the hive are fighters. Because of their job they tend to be more aggressive if you get near the hive. If bees are fluttering around flowers they are collecting honey and are less likely to sting. However, if provoked or injured any female bee will eventually fight back (only the females have stingers).

The species of the bee also comes into play. For example, Africanized honey bees tend to be a little more defensive when protecting the hive than European bees.

Ways to Safely Get Rid of Bees Without Killing Them

If bees are just passing through for a quick snack then there’s no real concern since they won’t be around for long. If they are establishing a hive, however, it’s time to begin removal before the colony grows. As noted above getting close to the hive will increase your odds of getting stung.

There are lots of reasons why it’s best to remove bees without killing them, especially if they are inside of your home. In addition to creating a foul odor, bees hold moisture. If there is a large colony with many bees that die and pile up they can rot, causing the liquid to seep into structural elements creating damage.

The absolute safest way for you to remove a bee cluster or hive is to let pest control professionals with bee removal experience or a beekeeper handle the job. Getting rid of bees requires the use of protective clothing that covers a person from head to toe. When a cluster is in a place that is difficult to reach or inside the home the need for professional assistance is that much greater.


Getting rid of a swarming cluster that’s outside is fairly easy, however, extreme caution needs to be taken. Outfitted in a bee suit for protection you will need to brush the bees off the surface they are on and into a cardboard box. It should be closed up immediately to contain the bees then removed from the property so that the bees can be released in a safe area.

When bees are present on or near a home a careful inspection of the premise always needs to be done. A professional pest control company like Vulcan Termite & Pest Control, Inc. can examine the behavior of the bees and look for signs of bee activity or entrances in the home. If bees are present inside the technician can then provide options for safely removing them. These include:

Cutting Them Out – If the home is inside a wall, a hole can be cut out so that the bees and the honeycombs can be removed by hand. If the colony is outside of the wall the beekeeper or exterminator will carefully cut the honey comb out of the surface it’s on with the bees still inside.

Vacuum – Some beekeepers and pest control companies have vacuums with special collection containers to extract and save the bees, which are later released or kept by a beekeeper.

One-Way Wire Screen – A one-way wire screen, often in the shape of a cone, can be placed over the exit point so that the bees can get out but they can’t get back into the hive in the home. Do keep in mind this is a slow process.

If you are getting bugged by bees in the Birmingham, AL, area give Vulcan Termite & Pest Control, Inc. a call. One of our technicians can thoroughly examine the bee activity and give you an honest assessment of the best removal options.


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