Should You Attract Bats This Summer?

Black flying-fox

When you really think about it, bats get a bad rap. Blame it on Dracula movies or fear of rabies, but either way bats are feared by many people even though they are pretty friendly. They also do a lot to help the ecosystem and keep the outdoors more comfortable.

As long as you don’t have chiroptophobia (fear of bats) consider inviting a few to live on your property this summer.  

The Benefits of Having Bats Around Your House

At Vulcan Termite & Pest Control Inc. we’re big fans of all kinds of pest control treatments, including natural solutions like bats. The most obvious benefit of having bats nearby is their appetite. The majority of bats (70%) feast solely off of bugs that are out around dusk and during the evening. Some species have even been known to eat up to 600 mosquitoes in an hour.

Pollination is also another large benefit provided by bats. Some fruits such as avocados, bananas and peaches depend on bats for pollination. If you have a garden bats could help keep things thriving. Bat droppings, also known as guano, are great for natural fertilization as well.

Tips for Attracting Bats

Think bats may be the solution for your mosquito and insect problems? Need to pollinate your garden? Attract bats with these tips.

Get a Bat House

Bats need someplace to live just like any other animal. Look for a specialty bat house that’s 24” or less tall, around 13” wide and about 3” deep.

Place Your Bat House in the Perfect Spot

Positioning the bat house in the right way is a must if you want bats to move in. Put the bat house at least 15’ off the ground facing either south or southeast.  It also needs to be a spot that gets at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.

Get Rid of Stinging Pests

Bats aren’t the only ones that like bat houses. Wasps, hornets and yellow jackets may find it first. If they do you’ll never get bats to settle in. Stinging insects need to be safely removed from the area without using pesticides, which could harm the bats.

Plant Night Blooming Flowers

Flowers that bloom at night could attract nocturnal insects that in turn attract bats. A few good options include night blooming jasmine, evening primrose and yucca.

Signs That Bats Aren’t the Right Solution

Too much of a good thing isn’t actually good. If there are a lot of bats around your house that are pestering people outside, trying to get into your attic or dropping guano everywhere they could be more of a nuisance than a help. Here are a few other signs that bats aren’t the best solution for your yard.

Sometimes a family of bats just isn’t enough to control mosquitoes in your yard. If you are still getting bit even after attracting bats that means the mosquito population is significant.

Because bats are nocturnal they won’t do much good against pests that primarily come out in the daytime. So if that is your main concern bats will do little to solve the problem. Instead it’s best to use professional pest control treatments to take care of insects without harming bats that help after the sun goes down.

Need help keeping pests in check this summer? Give Vulcan Termite & Pest Control Inc. a call if you live in the Pelham, AL area!

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