What Spiders You Should Keep Instead of Kill

Spiders may not be what you consider “man’s best friend.” In fact, many people have serious phobias about these eight-legged creatures.

If you happen to see a spider around the house, your first reaction may be to run for cover or try to kill it as quickly as possible. But expert exterminators caution against killing every spider that you see.

Spiders Are Generally Harmless

Come again? The truth is that most spiders don’t pose any danger to humans; on the contrary.

Spiders are beneficial in any ecosystem because they provide a natural form of insect control. By nature, spiders are predators that will eat almost any insect that they can find. Spiders will thrive in any natural habitat if you simply leave them alone!

In the same way that many homeowners choose to have a cat to keep mice away, spiders are beneficial, natural insect predators that will eat moths, flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and much more within the four walls of your home.

If you happen to see a small spider around the house, the odds are that it is a gentle co-inhabitant of your house. The only nuisance that you may find is a number of cobwebs woven in the corners of your home, as well as underneath countertops and in kitchen cabinets.

Cobweb Spiders Around the House

More specifically, you’re likely to find common cobweb spiders in your home at any given time. Cobweb spiders generally feed on other insects and occasionally may eat other spiders. When they ensnare an insect in their sticky cobweb – hence the name – the bug will be quickly injected with venom and wrapped in tight silk before it is eaten.

Most homeowners will come across a cobweb spider at one time or another. Cobweb spiders are located around the world with more than 2200 species to date. And more than 200 of those species can be found in North America.

If you have any questions about spiders found in your home, it’s important to contact an Alabama Pest Control company for a professional opinion. If there are any dangerous spiders, an exterminator can find the source of the issue and get rid of harmful spiders completely.

On other hand, if your home has several cobweb spiders running about, an exterminator may recommend that you keep the little critters around to control small household insects. Unless you happen to have a serious spider phobia, your best bet is to make peace with the cobweb spider as a natural indoor insect repellent!