How Alabama Compares to Areas with the Most Pests
With spring in full swing, Alabama residents are probably starting to notice that the great outdoors is buzzing with life – literally. Insects come with the territory in our state. If you live here or have visited, you may be wondering how buggy Alabama is compared to other areas of the country.
Well, you’re in luck! We looked into it and here is a glimpse of the states and cities that have the most or least amount of bugs, and how they compare to Alabama.
Total Bug Population
If it’s sheer number of bugs that you’re most concerned with it should come as no surprise that warm, humid Florida tops the list. A few years ago BASF, a pesticide manufacturer, conducted a study that looked at a wide range of data, including input from homeowners. They found that Florida had more bugs than any other state.
The researchers noted that the climate and environment in the south and southeast were the most conducive for insect survival. The lack of freezing temperatures means more bugs can survive throughout the year. Seven of the top ten buggiest states were in these regions. Louisiana came in second and Texas took the third spot while Alabama was named the 8th state with the most bugs.
Termite Terror
Every state except Alaska has termites. The size and number of colonies can vary, but overall states in the south have the highest number of termite infestations. This is because more termite species call the south home and the weather conditions are perfect for colonies to thrive. This is particularly true for eastern subterranean termites, which are the most common.
People living in Vermont and Midwest don’t have to worry about structural damage nearly as much as people living in Alabama. The frigid winters and dry climates keep termites in check.
Where to Watch Out for Fire Ants
Homeowners state that ants are their most common insect problem. Chief among them are painful fire ants. They came from South America years ago and the south of America is where they are concentrated in the U.S. They are all over Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana and most of Texas, South Carolina and North Carolina. There are also a number of surrounding states that they are beginning to creep into.
Where Bed Bugs Sleep
Fortunately for Alabama residents, bed bugs are less of a concern. This time it’s New York City that has the biggest bug problem. Lots of people in close living quarters as well as a significant amount of tourism creates the perfect scenario for bed bug infestations. The problem began more than five years ago, and it still isn’t under control. Other northeast cities top the list for bed bugs including Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia. However, both CBS and U.S. News have reported in recent years that when you look statewide, Ohio is actually the mecca for bed bugs.
The general consensus is, areas that are super dry or super cold are less likely to have bugs. In other words, not Alabama. We have a huge diversity of critters that crawl across every corner of the state. To keep the bug population under control around your house, give Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. a call. We offer a range of customized pest control treatments that can handle just about any insect in Alabama.
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