We’re On The Road Again
Now is the time to start thinking about Autumn and the bugs that come with the change of season. Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. invites home and business owners to the Home and Garden Show in the Brookwood Village Mall on October 25 – 27, 2013.
Along with many other companies, Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. will demonstrate products and services to help make a home and garden a safe and more friendly place.
Also, you’ll see presentations relating to remodeling, home improvement, home décor, design and fall outdoor projects will fill the stage all three days. Consumers will be inspired and will find solutions to challenges and ideas for home related projects.
What You Need To Know
Take a look at some of the FAQ’s concerning the Home and Garden Show:
- What can I expect to see at the show?
You can shop several exhibitors related to remodeling, renovation, home décor, fall outdoor projects and more. Be sure to visit our show highlights page for feature details.
- Am I able to return another day if I want to purchase something I saw at the show?
We will be pleased to hear that you found value in the show and want to return a second day. If this is the case, please see the show manager in the show office at the event. We will be happy to accommodate you.
- Is food available at the venue?
Yes, there are many food vendors on-site.
Be sure to bring your Home and Garden Pest Control questions to the event, so that we can help you develop a strategy that suits your unique needs. Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. looks forward to seeing at the Brookwood Village Mall on October 25 – 27, 2013 at our booth in front of Books-A-Million.
Colonial Brookwood Village
780 Brookwood Village, Birmingham, AL 35209
P: 205.871.0406 | F: 205.870.7990
Friday and Saturday: 10am until 9pm | Sunday: noon until 6pm
Image Source: www.facebook.com/shopbrookwoodvillage
Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/garden-pest-control/were-on-the-road-again