How Does a Honey Bee Become a ZomBee? Discovering the Parasitic Zombie Fly
Have you ever heard of a zombee (as in, a zombie bee)? It sounds ridiculous, but it’s actually a real thing.
To learn more about what a zombee is from our experts in pest management, just keep reading.
What is a “Zombee?”
The portmanteau Zombee—which blends the words zombie and bee—refers to a bee that exhibits unusual behavior due to being parasitized by an Apocephalus borealis (parasitoid phorid fly).
In the late 2000s/early 2010s, San Francisco resident and biologist John Hafernik noticed that honeybees had created a nest on the side of his house. He realized these weren’t just any old honeybees; their behaviors contradicted their usual instincts.
Firstly, Hafernik realized that the honeybees on his property should not have been active then; it was a chilly January, and a normal honeybee in that weather would either die or hibernate to evade death-by-frost.
Secondly, Hafernik found that the honeybees on his property were leaving the nest at night, which is highly unusual since honeybees can’t see in the dark to fly.
How Do Flies Create a Zombee?
Apocephalus borealis, the parasitoid phorid fly, also known as the “Zombie Fly,” creates a zombee by injecting their eggs into a honeybee. The infection distorts a honeybee’s instincts, thus causing the odd behavior.
Once the eggs in the live honeybee hatch, the fly larvae eat its insides, then burrow their way out, killing the bee.
Should I Worry About Zombees?
Low Risk of Harm to People
Entomologists (bug biologists) do not believe that the zombee is much of a threat to humans inherently. However, since their behavior is unpredictable, zombees might randomly head butt or try to sting people, even during the winter when bees aren’t supposed to be a threat.
Ultimately, you’re not likely to be stung by a zombee, but it wouldn’t cause you any worse harm than a regular honeybee since they can’t transmit the parasite to you.
If you’re allergic to bee stings, you should simply follow the protocol recommended by your doctor.
A Bee Keeper’s Nightmare
If you are a honeybee keeper, a zombee outbreak can be devastating.
Once the zombie fly larvae emerge from an infected honeybee (zombee), killing it, the larvae will quickly grow into adult zombie flies and continue the cycle.
Found Zombees on Your Property?
You Need a Pest Control Pro!
If oddly behaving honeybees appear on your property or you think they’ve infested the manmade hive you keep, take note of it, but don’t try to get a closer look or touch anything.
Instead, call an expert in pest control like Vulcan Termite to come to your property, safely remove the infestation, and implement preventative solutions.
Birmingham Homeowners’ Trusted Pest Control Crew
If you’re suffering from an invasion of zombees or zombie flies on your property, Vulcan Termite & Pest Control has you covered.
For 40+ years, our crew of integrative pest management professionals has proudly aided hundreds of families in Birmingham and nearby communities in Northern Central Alabama by investigating and solving pest problems on their property. We’ll gladly solve your zombee/zombie fly problem, no matter how severe.
Call (205) 514-6525 or contact us online today, and we’ll gladly perform a FREE evaluation and create and implement an effective strategy using our tried-and-true methods so you and your family can enjoy a pest-free home.