Women’s History Month: Inspiring Alabama Women
March is Women’s History Month, so Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. is highlighting a handful of great women from Alabama! These fine ladies have made a significant impact on our state and on the rest of the U.S. They might not all have influenced the business of pest control and prevention, but their contributions have helped shape the world we live in today.
Mildred Westervelt Warner
Ms. Warner did many great things in her life, but we’re most appreciative of her role in establishing forestry conservation practices in Alabama. These practices help to create balanced ecosystems in which bugs and humans can live in peace.
Blanche Evans Dean
The work of a biology teacher isn’t always glamorous, but Blanche Evans Dean knew how to share her love as a naturalist with her students. Her pupils often spoke of how she brought the world of plants, animals and insects to life in a way that made them interested in learning more. Her love was so great for the state’s natural treasures that she founded the Alabama State Nature Camp, the Alabama Wildlife Society, the Alabama Ornithological Society and the Alabama Conservancy.
Ida Elizabeth Brandon
As the daughter of a farmer, Ida Elizabeth Brandon understood the importance of agriculture and ecosystems. She was a proponent of crop rotation, which is a proven strategy for controlling insects that can destroy crops. Her ideas and work with state officials helped to grow the state’s agricultural industry and gained her national recognition.
Helen Keller
The story of Helen Keller’s life was an inspiration to others during her lifetime, and that still holds true today. With the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan Mason, Ms. Keller overcame the setbacks of being both blind and deaf before the age of two. She learned to talk, and eventually went on to become a prolific lecturer and author.
Loraine Bedsole Tunstall
Ms. Tunstall brought much-needed services to countless Alabama children through her work in social services and as the head of the Child Welfare Department from 1923 to 1935. It was that role which earned her the designation of being the first woman in Alabama to head a state department.
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks’ refusal to give in to discrimination helped spark the Civil Rights movement in America. After she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger, Ms. Parks became a figurehead for the non-violent protests that ended segregation.
Harper Lee
Few authors create work that has as profound an effect as Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Ms. Lee used her childhood experiences to confront the issues of racism in her work.
Mia Hamm
She is one of the best known athletes in the world, and to this day holds records in women’s soccer that have yet to be challenged. But Mia Hamm isn’t just known for excelling on the soccer field. She is now a humanitarian and philanthropist, dedicated to making a difference with her charity, the Mia Hamm Foundation.
Image Source: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Helen_KellerA.jpg
Original Source: https://www.vulcantermite.com/vulcan-news-and-events/womens-history-month-inspiring-alabama-women