Why Are Squirrels Digging in My Yard? How to Protect Your Lawn

squirrel digging in yard

You’re likely here after opening your internet browser and searching, “Why are squirrels digging in my yard?”. There’s no need to go nuts; just keep reading this blog and get the answers you’re looking for! 

Why Are Squirrels Digging in My Yard?

There’s quite a simple answer to “Why are squirrels digging in my yard?” It’s for the same reason that raccoons ransack garbage bins and humans rummage through cabinets for snacks: All living creatures need to consume sustenance (food) to survive.

Most holes that squirrels leave all over your yard are “caches.” Think of these caches as the squirrel equivalent to a human’s fridge or kitchen pantry; they store their food there until they’re ready to eat it. 

Squirrels also dig to hunt for food that’s underground. As hunter-gatherer omnivores, squirrels eat seeds, nuts, legumes, worms, berries, insects, and even small eggs they steal from birds or reptiles.

How Can I Protect My Lawn from Digging Squirrels? 

#1: Don’t Feed the Squirrels 

Giving a squirrel food to discourage it from digging for food in your yard will be counterproductive. If anything, you’ll just encourage the squirrels to make more caches to hide your gifts in and invite more of their squirrel friends to visit your lawn. 

You should try not to get too close to squirrels, even though they are pretty cute. Not only are they one of the small mammals that can carry rabies (unlike opossums), but even non-rabid squirrels can be dangerous with their sharp teeth and claws. You don’t want them to end up using those teeth and claws on you if they feel threatened. 

#2: Rake Up Debris

Debris (leaves, acorns, branches, pinecones, etc.) covering your lawn attracts squirrels. Keeping your lawn clear of debris will prevent other pests, like ground wasps, from hanging around and making nests. 

#3: Block Them Out

One of the most effective solutions to implement when squirrels are digging in your yard is underground wire mesh fencing, also known as “gopher wire fencing.” 

Installing this type of fencing involves burying mesh fencing made of wire deep underground around the entire perimeter and beneath the area of land you want to protect from squirrels and other digging wildlife.

#4: Try Non-Toxic Deterrents

With many yard pests, we can use insecticides or pesticides to keep them out of your lawn. However, unlike destructive, venomous, and pathogen-carrying pests you would want to be eradicated from your property, a squirrel digging in your yard does not risk your health or safety.

Like all creatures native to a biosphere, squirrels are vital in the food chain and benefit all oxygen-breathing creatures as pollinators. Squirrels pollinate by accident, forgetting where they buried seeds in prior seasons, and from them, more oxygen-providing plants and trees grow. 

So when we suggest squirrel deterrents, we are talking about incorporating substances that squirrels just don’t like—not rodent poisons or other cruel means.

One common non-toxic squirrel deterrent is cayenne pepper. Spray a 1:1 solution of cayenne pepper powder and water around areas of your lawn where squirrels tend to dig. When the squirrels sniff the ground with the cayenne solution, they’ll recoil at the scent and wander elsewhere.

If you decide to make a deterrent with cayenne pepper, please exercise caution. Wear gloves and eye protection, and keep children and pets away from where you create, spray, and store the solution.

#5: Call a Catch-and-Release Animal Control 

Suppose a particular place on your lawn continuously attracts an excessive amount of squirrels, or they’re elsewhere on your property where they shouldn’t be. In that case, you can call a professional to relocate and release them.

For our clients in the Birmingham Metro area (and nearby cities in North-Central Alabama), we 

recommend calling Birmingham Wildlife Control LLC or Critter Control of Birmingham

Get Expert Pest Control

Although our services for yard pests mainly target insects, we are still glad to provide our clients and generous blog visitors like you with answers and advice for all kinds of pest-control questions like “Why are squirrels digging in my yard?” So, thanks for reading!

For 40+ years, our team of integrative pest solutions professionals from Vulcan Termite & Pest Control has proudly aided hundreds of families in Birmingham and nearby communities by eradicating invasive pests on their property. 

Contact us to request a FREE evaluation of the pest situation on your property. We’ll create and implement an effective strategy using our tried-and-true methods so you and your family can enjoy a pest-free home.

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