How to Keep Your Remodeling Project From Being a Bug Magnet

In this post we’re looking at why it’s always wise to consult with your contractors and your pest control company about ways that the designs and layouts of a remodeling project can prevent pests and bugs from moving in. Prevention saves money along the way, so here’s what you should discuss with contractors and pest control companies, like foundation concerns, landscaping and preventing bugs from entering the home during and after the remodel.


New Plants & Outdoor Structures Could Mean More Bugs

Projects that occur outdoors are prime targets for pests for obvious and not so obvious reasons. Plants are one of the top concerns. If you’re working with a landscaper, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using particular varieties. Ask about the type of bugs the plant is likely to attract, which ones it might possibly repel and whether or not it’s a food source/hiding spot for bugs in general. If you find that a plant could be more trouble than it’s worth, ask about the alternatives.

Landscapes include more than just plants. Structures may also be constructed during the project. These additions give bugs like wasps new places to build their nests, and wood structures could become a buffet for pests like termites and carpenter ants. Discuss how to protect the structures and deter bugs from congregating around the new build with your contractor or pest control company.

Foundation Issues

Any work that’s done around the foundation of a home is cause for concern, whether it be landscaping, new siding or an addition. Insects can find any weakness in the foundation and use it as a way into your home. Additionally, work around the perimeter of the house will likely stir up the ground and the bugs that are living beneath the soil. Once their home is disrupted, they’ll go looking for a new one.

Before work begins, discuss how to take care of bugs with a pest control company and where there are potential problem spots. Taking steps to get rid of pests prior to the project is the best way to prevent issues. Next, discuss foundation concerns with your contractor. Be aware of how additions or the removal of plants and structures can affect your foundation during and after the project. Depending on the work being done the foundation could be compromised for some time, and it’s important to talk about limiting how long it will be affected.

Color Scheme

Just as different colors can appeal to people, there are certain hues that bugs are attracted to and others that they can’t stand or see at all. When you’re doing a remodel or addition keep colors in mind. Your pest control company can provide additional details, but in general:

  • Blue, green and white is thought to repel bugs
  • Dark colors are thought to attract bugs
  • Bright colors could be attractive to pollinating insects like bees


When you’re making improvements and additions, there’s a good chance lighting will be a part of the project. If you’ve ever relaxed outdoors after nightfall you’ve probably noticed how bugs swarm to the warm light. Fortunately, you can use placement and the right lights to discourage insects from buzzing around the illumination.

Talk to your contractor about putting lights away from entrances to prevent them from getting inside, as well as installing yellow based lights which bugs are thought to be less attracted to.

Keeping bugs out during a remodel and constructing things in a way that will repel instead of attract insects takes proper planning. Your pest control company and contractors are the perfect resources for coming up with a plan that will keep bugs at bay without compromising the project.


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