Lawn Worms: Harmless Crawlies or a Cause for Concern?

lawn worms crawling along grass and sidewalk


Two common subjects in pest control discourse are named “lawn worms.” They are:

  1. the larvae of an insect that only looks like a worm because it has yet to start its metamorphosis and mature into an imago (adult phase of insect life cycle), and
  2. actual worms (annelids) of any species likely to populate a lawn. 

One of these lawn worms is beneficial for your yard, while the other can cause damage. This makes it essential to know what they are, the damage they do, the benefits they can offer, and when your lawn worm problem requires professional intervention. For all these facts and more, keep reading!  

Lawn Worms: Insect Larvae

If you didn’t know, the cute little inchworms you see munching on leaves in the springtime are not worms—they’re caterpillars, the larvae of butterflies and moths. As we said in the introduction, the name “lawn worm” is given to the larvae of a few types of insects. 

There is a type of “lawn worms,” also known as “white grubs,” which are beetles in their chunky, squirmy first phase of insect life; there are also cutworms and armyworms, which are the caterpillars of different types of moths. 

This category of lawn worms usually comprises those that threaten your lush green lawn because they feed on the roots of your grass, preventing them from transporting essential nutrients from the soil. Some also decimate all of your lawn’s green grass growth all at once, especially the caterpillars.

Signs of insect larvae or “lawn worm” damage to the roots of your lawn’s grass include dead and brown patches of grass. 

If you find grubs in your yard, know that you didn’t find the only one around; there are definitely more nearby. At this point, it’s too late to implement prevention strategies. You’ll need to call a pest control professional to help remove the infestation ASAP.

Lawn Worms: True Worms (Annelids)

As you read in the previous section, different insect larvae are often given the name “lawn worms” when they’re just immature insects. So, what are “real” worms?

True worms, like earthworms, are not insects but, rather, very different creatures that belong to the annelid phylum of the animal kingdom. The earthworm is the only type of true worm you’re likely to find in your yard, and their presence is almost always beneficial as their constant tunneling in soil aerates it. 

The only time earthworms cause lawn damage is when they’re hunted down and pecked out of the soil by a bird. This is typically minute damage. But if you witness birds pulling earthworms out of your lawn at an abnormal rate, call an integrative pest management professional. Our team will investigate why your lawn has a high earthworm population and implement an effective, safe strategy to decrease or eliminate the population. 

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For 40+ years, our team of integrative pest management professionals from Vulcan Termite & Pest Control has proudly aided hundreds of families in Birmingham and nearby communities by investigating and solving problems with pests on their property. 

We’ll gladly perform a FREE evaluation and create and implement an effective strategy using our tried-and-true methods so you and your family can enjoy a pest-free home.

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