What Produce Should You Buy Organic to Avoid Harmful Pesticides?
If you’re wondering whether or not it’s worthwhile to spend the extra money on organic produce, in a nutshell, the answer is yes. This is especially critical for parents who are concerned about their children’s contact with pesticides as they have been linked with a number of health issues after years of cumulative exposure.
How Pesticides Affect Children
A recent analysis of US health data associated ADHD in children with regular exposure to common pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables. Although the study didn’t directly link agricultural pesticides with learning disabilities during childhood, many experts urge parents to take the research seriously.
Young children especially are prone to adverse health effects after ingesting pesticides since they are still growing. Children may consume more pesticide residue than they can process because they weigh significantly less than adults who eat the same produce.
Either way, the results are clear. The study found levels of pesticides in urine samples of 94% of the children.
Which Fruits and Veggies Should You Buy Organic?
Before you consider switching to organic foods altogether, making such a drastic change may not be necessary. Nonetheless, there are several types of produce that should be purchased organic to avoid high levels of pesticide residue, like:
- Apples: Across-the-board, industry experts recommend purchasing organic apples to protect young children from a number of chemicals that are sprayed in orchards. Even worse, agricultural pesticide residue can be found in products like applesauce and apple juice. If you can’t find organic apples in your area, it’s better to buy fruit like bananas and watermelons.
- Celery: Celery is another popular vegetable that is best purchased organic due to high levels of pesticide residue. If you can’t find organic celery in your market, it’s better to eat produce like radishes, broccoli, and onions instead.
- Peaches: Peaches are another delicious fruit grown on trees that can have dozens of different pesticides sprayed on them. Better choices include watermelons, grapefruit, and oranges.
Clearly, the routine use of pesticide should be taken seriously, especially around young children. If you have small children or pets at home, it’s important to consult a Birmingham pest control company to spray pesticides to get rid of insects.
While using an over-the-counter pest control spray may be convenient, it’s easy to abuse this type of commercial product. To keep kids safe and sound inside the house, it’s best to contact a professional who knows what they’re doing.