Do You Need to Remove Bats in the Attic? Why You Should Call an Exterminator for These Winged Mammals

If you’ve never seen a baby bat up close, please Google it; they’re adorable. Still, baby bats—well, bats of any age, for that matter—are not pets. So you shouldn’t let them hang out in your attic like it is their cave, even if it feels like you’re doing good to let nature take its course in that way. 

Bats instinctively fear humans, so if they’re in your attic, you don’t have to worry about one of them attacking you. However, potential bat attacks aren’t the reason we urge you not to let bats linger in your attic. If you want to know why you should remove bats in the attic, just keep reading this blog by Birmingham’s trusted experts in integrative pest management: Vulcan Termite & Pest Control!

Bats in the Attic Are Dangerous 

Bats are adorable, afraid of people, and only one type drinks blood (from cows). They have spooky, leathery wings. Bats are cool! So what’s the big deal about bats in the attic? 

The big issue with bats in the attic is… bat poop. Bat “guano” is the problem.

Exposure to bat droppings can be hazardous for your health. If bats are in your attic, your attic floor will be covered. Not only does bat guano produce a dreadful odor, but it also carries a fungus (most of the time) called Histoplasma capsulatum. 

Once outside the host’s (in this case, a bat) body, the fungus within the guano releases spores into the air. If a person or pet breathes in these spores, they can develop a serious lung disease called histoplasmosis, which can be deadly. If you enter an attic or room with a bat infestation inside without proper ventilation and protective equipment, you are at risk for developing this illness and should immediately consider consulting with a physician. 

How to Remove Bats in the Attic

We don’t recommend you attempt to usher out the bats in the attic like a bull tamer waving a red cape. Bats don’t attack out of nowhere but will definitely react if they’re scared and might bite you. 

So don’t try to pick up or shoo them to remove them if you don’t have the right gear or experience with wildlife control. 

We do not remove bats, so for our Birmingham clients with bats in the attic, we recommend Birmingham Wildlife Control LLC or Critter Control of Birmingham

How to Safely Dispose of Bat Guano

  1. Hire a professional to remove the bats from your attic.
  2. Grab the right gear and supplies: gloves, a spray bottle of water, paper towels or rags, bleach-based cleaner, protective goggles, a trash bag, and, most importantly, a ventilation mask. 
  3. Put on all protective equipment.
  4. Spray the bat guano with water to loosen it; then, use paper towels to wipe up the mess.  Throw away as much of it as you can without the cleaner.
  5. Use your rags or paper towels and the bleach-based cleaner (the bleach kills the fungus) and thoroughly clean the areas where the guano was.  
  6. Double-bag and immediately dispose of the trash bag containing the droppings. 

Get Expert Pest Control

For 40+ years, our team of integrative pest solutions professionals from Vulcan Termite & Pest Control has proudly aided hundreds of families in Birmingham and nearby communities by eradicating invasive pests on their property. 

We’ll gladly perform a FREE evaluation and create and implement an effective strategy using our tried-and-true methods, so you and your family can enjoy a pest-free home.

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