How to Feed Birds Without Attracting Rats: What to Do



Birdwatching is an entertaining, family-friendly, and educational activity. Here in Alabama, the opportunities for birdwatching are abundant, considering the  400+ species of birds and 200+ sites designated for birdwatching statewide. One common nickname for our lovely home is “The Yellowhammer State,” named after our state bird.

Although there are so many cool birdwatching spots here in the Yellowhammer State, installing a window or backyard bird feeder can easily offer you a daily show of beautiful birds outside your window. The only issue with bird feeders is that they can attract more than just birds: They also draw unwanted attention from rats, squirrels, ants, and other pests.

Know Your Enemy: Rats’ Birdseed-Burgling Abilities

You may not be aware of how capable rats are at sniffing out and getting into food that doesn’t belong to them. To best learn how to feed birds without attracting rats, you need to be familiar with these four characteristics of rats that make them such great birdseed thieves:

  1. Rats have incredible senses of smell, so they know whenever food is nearby.
  2. Rats have tiny skulls and flexible bodies, which give them a wide range of gymnastic-like motions. They can fit into impossibly tiny spaces and hurdle through all sorts of obstacles in their quest to eat the food they smell.
  3. Rats are great climbers, so even if you put your snack on the highest shelf in your pantry, they can still find their way to it.
  4. Rats are quite dexterous. They can use their front paws like little hands and their sharp teeth and claws like razors to cut holes in plastic bags or cardboard packaging containing food.

Now that you understand the ways of bird seed-thieving rats, you’re ready to learn how to feed birds without attracting rats!

How to Feed Birds Without Attracting Rats

Get a Bird Feeder with a Protective Guard

This may be the most obvious solution, but one effective way to keep rats out of bird feeders is to make it difficult for them to get into. You can buy plenty of “anti-rat” bird feeders, but you can also try a weather-proofing guard that blocks out greedy rats. 

Keep Bird Feeder & Surroundings Clean

If the ground around your bird feeder is littered with birdseed, that’s an invitation for rats on the ground to climb up to the source. Ensure your bird feeder is not overfilled, left open, or causing bird seed to spill out, and sweep up messes of birdseed on the ground whenever you notice them.


In the same way, installing a seed tray beneath your feeder can help prevent it from falling on the ground while birds are eating. 

Spice Up Your Birdseed

Mammals’ taste buds can pick up on spicy flavors like hot pepper, and rats tend to hate them. Birds, on the other hand, are not affected by a bit of hot pepper. Buy birdseed or suet that contains hot pepper and place it in or around your bird feeder; rats will steer clear!

Create Critter Climbing Obstacles

Since rats are such great climbers, a tall bird feeder will not keep bird seeds out of their reach. That said, you can install a baffle onto the supportive beam or pole on which your bird feeder sits. A baffle is a slippery plastic barrier that prevents rats and other non-flying critters from getting a good climbing grip.

A similar solution is to slather a slippery substance, such as petroleum jelly or coconut oil, on any surfaces rats can climb to reach your bird feeder. 

Properly Store Your Birdseed

Where and how your birdseed is stored can affect the likelihood of being contaminated by rats or other pests.

To prevent rats or other critters from chewing through plastic bags or cardboard, you need to put your birdseed in a protective container made of durable material, like thick plastic or metal. Ideally, keep this birdseed container outside your home, but try not to leave it out in the open to be knocked over in a storm. Store it in the garage, in a shed, or under a carport awning. 

When to Call a Professional 

If you have implemented strategies to keep rats out of your birdseed and bird feeder, but they’re still crawling around on your property, you might have a larger problem. Rat sightings, especially more than one in a short period of time, are often indicators of a hidden infestation. DIY and store-bought solutions are not as effective as professional intervention when there’s a rat infestation.

At Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, we specialize in small rodent control and prevention. Our experts have the knowledge and tools to tackle any rat infestation effectively.

Our family-owned integrative pest management company has served families and business owners in Birmingham, AL, at their homes and offices for over 40 years, safeguarding their property and ensuring a long-term pest-free environment.

With our team, you can rest assured your home or office is in good hands. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the industry. Call us at 205-663-4200 or contact us online to help protect your property from rodents and enjoy a pest-free environment today!

Thanks for reading! Check out our pest blog to learn more about the pests and other creatures found in Alabama.