How to Prepare for a Bug-Free Vacation

At home you keep bugs away with  pest control treatments, regular cleaning and good habits. But on vacation a lot of those things are out of your control, and an insect invasion can ruin the experience real quick.

If you’ve got a trip planned this summer, here are a few ways you can protect your family and eliminate insect stress.

Pick Your Accommodations Carefully

Last year a Delaware family’s Caribbean vacation turned into a nightmare because the resort they were staying at used pesticides that aren’t approved in the U.S. It was a cautionary tell that highlights the importance of choosing accommodations carefully. Before making a reservation you may want to:

  • Read reviews – people will let others know if they bunked with bugs.
  • Ask the property manager what kind of pest control measures they take.
  • If you’re camping, call ahead to ask what insects to watch out for.

A big concern these days is bed bugs. If you’re traveling to an area where infestations have occurred be very careful about the hotel you choose. If there are any allegations of bed bugs it’s best to scratch the lodging off your short list.

Familiarize Yourself With Foreign Insect Threats and Regulations

In addition to getting details on pest control at a specific hotel or resort, it’s best to become familiar with local pest threats and pesticide regulations if you’re traveling to a foreign country. In many countries, including islands in the Caribbean, the regulations aren’t as strict as the U.S.

The Zika virus is a perfect example of how insect illnesses vary from country to country. The number of Zika infections is so high in Brazil and nearby countries that the CDC recommends pregnant women and women trying to become pregnant avoid traveling to the region.

Before traveling, check the CDC website to learn what to watch out for and how to protect yourself based on where you’ll be.

Pack Bug Repellent in Your Suitcase

Is bug repellent on your packing list? Even if you don’t plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s a good idea to bring a bottle along just in case. Once you get to your destination it may be difficult to find bug repellent that the EPA has determined is safe to use and effective. That’s the case right now in the Caribbean because the Zika virus is a concern.

We recently provided an overview on how bug sprays work and tips for using them correctly. It will give you all the essential info you need to choose the best product.

Additional Insect-Deterring Items to Pack

If you have a little extra room in your suitcase add the following items for extra insect protection.

  • Loose long-sleeve shirt
  • Loose pants
  • Socks
  • Clothing with built-in bug repellent
  • Mosquito net (if you’re camping)
  • Citronella candle or incense
  • Fly swatter

Keep Food Sealed Up in Your Suitcase

A lot of travelers like to pack snacks for the trip or bring back something special that they can’t indulge in at home. Unfortunately, bugs can get to the sweets and treats before you do. And if they hitch a ride in your suitcase they can cause even bigger problems once you get home.

The simple fix is to seal up food in a plastic container. (Some bugs can chew through cardboard and others like to lay their eggs on it.) It’s also a good idea to:

  • Keep suitcases on the luggage rack, a dresser, a closet shelf – basically anywhere but the floor.
  • Keep you suitcase zipped up when you’re not taking things out or putting them in.
  • Take food out of your suitcase once you’ve reached your accommodations.

Insect issues are a serious concern when you’re traveling. So much so, that customs won’t allow travelers to bring back fruits and plants from a foreign country. Instead of trying to pack them away in a suitcase consider having them shipped to your home.

Make Sure Animal Travel Companions Are Protected Too

If you plan to take your pet with you on vacation make sure they are safe from insects too. The easiest option is to use a flea collar or give them a monthly flea and tick treatment right before the trip. Check out our post on pet pest protection for additional tips.

Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. can keep your property protected from insect invasions while you’re on vacation. Call us today to learn more about general pest control, mosquito control and termite control in Central Alabama.

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